I Can't Believe It

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"I am completely and irrevocably in love with you, Jack."

I can't believe he said it, I can't believe he loves me, and I can't believe how I reacted. What the hell is wrong with me? That beautiful man that I have been in love with for the past three years, tells me that he feels the same way and all I do is stare at him. Then after you stared at him for a full five minutes and then you tell him you have to leave. What the hell did I just do? Oh my God he probably hates me now, I have to find him.

My mind is screaming as I make make way through my apartment building and out onto the dirty streets of Las Vegas. Quickly I hail a cab and slide into the dank smelly vehicle.

"142 Blames street." I say quickly, and pull out my phone to text him.

Me: hey I'm coming over we HAVE to talk about earlier.

I sit waiting not so patiently for his reply, and yet nothing comes. Again I text.

Me: Thomas please man, answer me we really need to talk.

Again I get no reply, quickly I scroll through my contacts to his name and call.

" Tommy, come on man pick up it's important. I can't just say it over the phone, I need to see you. Pick up, we have to talk about this." I practically shout into the phone, why the hell wouldn't he answer me? What if something happened, what if he made something happen? Oh God what if he's hurt, what if he's dead? What have I done?

STOP IT, he is fine. Maybe he's just in the shower and couldn't hear the phone. The rational part of my mind spoke up as I began to shake with uncontrollable fear. I couldn't lose my best friend, he was the love of my life.

Finally the cab pulls up outside his large apartment building and I pay quickly and rush upstairs. After what seems like and eternity I reach his apartment, and as I open the door I see an amazing sight.

Thomas, asleep on the couch with heavy metal blaring in his headphones as always. A smile graces my face as I stare at his peaceful body and sigh. If only every homecoming could be this perfect. A little voice in the back of my mind whispered quietly, it can. Calmly I close the door and take a seat on the edge of the couch.

Gently I lean down and place a soft sweet kiss onto his full warm lips. His eyes slowly open and he pushes his headphones off his head.

"Hello, sleeping beauty." I mutter as I kiss him again.

"I've waited all day for you to come home." he said with a small smile.

"Then you have waited far to long, I love you Thomas." I say as I devour his sweet mouth.

Thank God for little miracles.

Authors Note

Chances are this is probably going to be a two-shot, and if so it will be lemon scented I promise. I really love these one shot and I am super proud of all of them, not only that but I am extremely thankful to all of you.

For reading these and liking them and recommending them to your freinds, almost 1000 people have read these. It's amazing to think that I could have touched 1000 lives in such a short amount of time. I know that most of you won't read this, but this is my thank you to all of you who have read, voted, commented, or followed me over the past few months. I love you guys.

I also want to thank my friends, who have supported me and helped me through a lot of difficult times in my life. you were the first to read my stories, the first to encourage me to write, the first to tell me how good I was and I how good I could become. Without all of you this could have never of been possible, without you I wouldn't have touched as many lives as I have. Thank you for everything you have given me over these years, you guys are the ones that keep my feet on the ground when I feel like I'm about to float away. I love all of you, Kiera, Jared, Heather, Carley, Tania, Macinzee, Amanda, you are the only things on this whole planet that have kept me sane this last year.

I just want to thank and remind you all to have a very wonderful year. you are the best things in my life, and I love you.


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