Remind Me

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Jacob's POV

"What the hells wrong with you fudge packer, take it in the ass to hard last night?" A voice yells as I walk past, and all his friends laugh. My eyes start to tear up as they continually jeer and bully me.

What did I ever do to deserve their hate and malice? I am who I am, I did what society told me to do I became what I wanted to be, and now I'm reprimanded for it. Yes I admit I am a bit more feminine than most gays, but I like to paint my nails and cook and decorate for Christmas. What could be wrong with that though, I like who I am what can't they?

All these thoughts and more run through my head as I ride home on the bus, and wish and plead to God to make them leave me alone. They won't, I know but I can always dream.

As I walk down the steps of the bus I glance over to see my neighbor staring at me from his driveway. I stop and stare back, and before I know it I'm crying and sobbing as I stand there. I'm completely vulnerable, and the world couldn't care. I just want it all to end, why can't it all just end?

James's POV

The school bus pulls up just as I climb out of my car and start to head inside, but something stops me. I know what it is, it's him Jacob the beautiful boy who live beside me. I turn and stare as he climbs down of the bus and starts across the grass to his door. God, he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen, and the most obviously gay.

He sees me staring at him from my drive and stares back, but before I know it he begin to cry and sob. I'm shocked, every time I see him he seems so happy and loving. Now here he stands in tears and I don't know what to do.

He runs inside away from me and I can't help but run after him, he just seems so broken. I walk in to find him running to the bathroom with a bottle of pills held tight in his hand, fear slams through my system. What the hell does he think he's doing, he can't do this! I run towards the bathroom and try to open the the door but it's locked. I slam myself against it trying desperately to open it, and finally it give way under my relentless beatings. I find him sitting in a corner clutching the bottle to his chest and staring at me, fear filling his beautiful hazel eyes. Without saying a word I walk over and wrench the pills from his grip and flush them down the toilet.

"What are you doing, no please I need the those!" He pleads as he pulls at my arms.

"No you don't Jacob, you don't need them I've got you. You're going to be okay, it's okay I've got you." I say as I pull him against tightly against my chest.

"Please, I just want it to end! Please just let me end it, I wan to die! Nobody wants me, my parents hate me, the people at school hate me, I hate me!" He cries against my chest balling my shirt in his fists.

"I want you. I have wanted you since the moment I saw you, but I was scared you wouldn't want me." I say as I force him to look at me.

His eyes are bright with tears and his bottom lip shakes as he stares at me. he is so broken and so beautiful in this moment, I can't stop myself. I kiss him long and hard, a moan slipping from me as I am filled with pleasure. his mouth is soft and warm, I can't stop kissing him. I move from his mouth and begin to kiss the tears from his face, he shudders as I lean down and begin kissing his neck. Suddenly he pushes me back and stares into my eyes.

"Thank you." He says with a small smile.

"What for?" I ask smiling back.

"For reminding me who I really am." he says, leaning forward to kiss me.


Authors Note

Hi you guys oh my goodness I can't believe how many people are reading my story. I love you guys so much, thank you for every vote and view. I would love to hear what you think though so please comment.

By the way this story is actually going to be a two-shot, and I promise the next part will contain a lemon. I wrote this for a really good friend of mine who came out this year and has been having some trouble with some people at our school. he is now dating a guy and seems a lot happier with life. I am so proud of him for sticking with who he really is and being what he was made to be. Canada I am so proud of you, and I love you more than anything else in the whole wide world. Remember England, Yaoi girl, Germany, and the lepracarley will always be here no matter what.

Peace out,

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