Shadow In The Night

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Shivers ran up my back as I ran through the dark alleyway. How could I be so stupid, walking home so late at night and alone no less. It really didn't help that I was so small, I mean I'm 5'4" at the most. I am going to get killed out here, and all because I thought I was to good to have my sister Carley drive me back to my place. How could I be studying biochemical engineering and still be so damned stupid.

Suddenly the sharp sound of a bottle shattering echoes through the dark dank alley, and all I can do is freeze. thoughts are racing through my mind, but the loudest is a voice screaming for my the run. As a large man stumbles from an open door the voice becomes frantic, trying to get me to run away from here. It's to late the man has seen me, I am so fucking screwed.

"What's your name pretty boy?" He slurs bathing me in his alcohol soaked breath.

"Lyle." I snap, trying my hardest not to gag as I slowly inch away from the awful man.

"Not so fast, pretty boy. Let me get a good look at ya." He growls grabbing my shirt in his big rough hands.

"Please let me go, please just let me go." I plead with him and start to wriggle and jerk out of his harsh grip.

"Shut up you damn fag, I didn't tell you to speak." He says angrily as he cuffs my ear.

"Please just-" I start to shout but he slaps me hard across the face, cutting me off.

"Shut up and get to sucking, you piece of shit fairy." He shouts, pushing me to my knees and pulls out his member. I start to cry as he forces it in my face, and hits me again.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Petri?" A voice says as it moves from the shadows and pull the man off of me and slams him harshly against the stone wall behind me. Shivering I scoot back away from the two huge men, and towards the relative safety of the street. My mind is whirling in circles and my heart is pounding, I am absolutely terrified of these men in front of me.

"I wasn't doing nothing boss, I swear just having a little fun. Really I swear I wasn't going to hurt the little guy, honest." Petri said fear coating his already thick voice.

"Oh really than why was he crying as you shoved your dick in his face, you piece of shit!" The other man ground out, and then before Petri could answer he jerked a blade from his pocket and shoved it through Petri's throat. Petri began to choke and clutch at his neck as the man leaped away, and suddenly Petri burst into flames and evaporated into dust. That was also the moment that I just so conveniently passed out.

Adrain's POV

Scowling at the pile of dust now coating the cement of the already filthy ground, I moved towards the small figure now slumped against the alley walls. Smiling slightly I bent to lift the boy up from the nasty dirty pavement, and realized that this boy was in fact a full grown man. Strange considering how small he was, it didn't matter though I couldn't very well just leave him here.

Gently I cradled the fragile human and called the shadows to me, then in the blink of an eye I warped back home. Glancing around I searched for a place to put the man that lay in my arms, and found that the only viable option was the bed. Carefully I put the man down on the bed and brushed his red hair out of his eyes, a smile coming to my face.

How could Petri have ever tried to harm this poor beautiful man, how could he have even considered it. I suppose it is my own fault, I should have never turned him he had always been far to impulsive. To bad though he could have been so useful to me, and now he is nothing more than a pile of filth, not that he hadn't been before. I thought as I slip into a soft leather recliner to read while I wait for the human to wake. Turns out I didn't have long to wait.

Lyle's POV
Fear pulses through me as I shoot straight up in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room. Memories swirl through my mind to fast for me to comprehend any of them, and I begin to grow dizzy once again. Even though I am extremely smart there are a lot of draw backs, like memory loss and brain tumors. Yep, that's right I have a brain tumor the size of a larges olive smack in the middle of my frontal lobe, and I really wish they hadn't told me that because I used to really like olives.
That's not what matters now though, what matters is remembering what happened earlier tonight. First was the alley, second was the man, third was the fear, forth was the pain, fifth was the voice, sixth was the relief, seventh was the blade, eighth was the disbelief, ninth was the dust, tenth was the darkness. Suddenly a hand touches my shoulder, making me jerk back to reality.

"Hello there, seems someone has finally decided to join the land of the living." The man says with a smirk, almost as if he has said something funny.

"Oh yes, it is so nice to be sitting here with a murderer." I snap back in anger.

"What are you talking about?" He says glaring down at me.

"I'm talking about that man in the alley, Petri. you had no right to kill him!" I shout.

"I had every right he was my responsibility, now how about instead of yelling at me you tell me your name." He says with a resigned sigh.

"My name is Lyle, and yours?" I say finally giving into the man before me.

"My name is Adrian, it is wonderful to meet you Lyle. I will however say that you are in desperate need of a shower, and consequently so am I. what a shame it would be to waste water though, don't you you think?" Adrian says with a flirty smile.

"Yeah, what a waste." I smile back at him unable to control my sudden attraction.

"Well then let's." he grins widely at his prize.

Quietly they both walk to the bathroom and slip out of their disgusting clothes. Adrian leans in to switch on the shower, and I can't help but admire his sexy ass. I slowly step into the large shower, and suddenly feel a sets of hands on my hips turning me around. Adrian bends down to place a chaste kiss onto my lips, but I lace my fingers into his hair and hold him in place. Soon we begin to moan and I feel myself grow hard as he grinds himself against me in rough abandon. I begin to gasp and groan at the pleasure that's pulsing through me.

"Give it to me, oh god fuck me please Adrian." I gasp against his hard hot mouth.

"Happy to." he replies as he smiles into our kiss.

Suddenly I am lifted high off the floor and then lowered towards his slick member. I scream as he slams into my tight virgin hole, and he holds as still as possible waiting for me to adjust to him.

"Lyle, my love, are you ready." he asks in that deep voice of his. I give a small nod and he begins to slide in and out of me slowly, until I am begging for more.

"Oh yes, harder harder Adrian please."

He slams into me harder shooting pleasure into my core every time he hits that sweet spot. I begin to scream and moan in ecstasy, causing him to thrust into me with wild abandon.

"Adrian, I'm going to cum!" I shout.

"OhGod me to." He howls, and them bites deeply into my shoulder. instead of hurting an intense pleasure fill my body, and I paint our chests white with cum.

"What are you Adrian?" I ask as I stare down into his violet eyes.

"Why haven't you guessed, I'm a vampire and you are my mate."

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