Chapter 33

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Isla scanned their outfit for the 7th time. It was nothing special, jeans and a newer hoodie. It was dark green and they liked to pretend it was a frog hoodie, but it wasn't. Their hair was pulled into a high ponytail with a bright green hair band, but atleast it was some reminiscent of color coordination. They desperately wanted to cut their hair short, but that wasn't happening for awhile.

5 minutes till she needed to leave, if she wanted to be 10 minutes early. They where meeting up at a park with masks and social distancing of corse. Isla remembered this and hurriedly wiped of their lipstick. They laughed at themself for a second before raising their cracked phone screen to eye level.

Almost time!


See you soon!

See you soon Isla!

It was more then exciting, Isla was ecstatic. They rushed down the stairs and called a bye to their mom's. The park was only two blocks away, a quick walk. So totally worth it.

Isla sat cautiously on a metal bench. They where ten minutes early, as expected. Auden would be here early as well, they knew it.

"ISLA!" Just as expected, Auden's familiar voice yelled and the two friends ran towards eachother. They stopped themselves before getting to close. Isla could feel tears of joy slipping down their cheeks. This was Auden, Auden was real. Fucking Auden Kitty IHaveAJuiceBox. Their best friend.

"Hi" Isla mumbled, their voice breaking. They locked eyes and couldn't make themselves move.

Something in Isla's chest was trying to escape. It had always been there, always been in the back of their mind when they heard this voice. Auden's voice. But something about being in person. That made it strong. Made it real. Made it clear.

"Hi! My god this is weird!" Auden laughed. Isla could see the slight nervous in her movements.

"Ya ya your right! Wanna sit down?" Isla laughed along, doing their best not to let the new realization filter into their voice.

They sat down across from eachother on a bench. Isla couldn't help but engrave Auden into their head. The way she sat like she was on a kindergarten rug. Or how she always held almost eye contact, but not quite. This. The slight coloration differences from the normal phone camera. This was what they wanted to remember.

"So!" Auden laughed again nervously. The two couldn't stop taking each other in, yet had nothing really to talk about. It was strange to see eachother not just through a screen.

"H-how are you?" Isla stuttered. They couldn't help but curse themselves over it.

"Good!" Auden smiled with her eyes. Isla couldn't help but wish they could see Auden's full face.

The rest of the meet up was a blur. It took place over 2 hours, and somehow a steady conversation was upheld. It went by extremely fast, much to Isla's disappointment. They never took their eyes off Auden despite the distractions. It seems as though dogs would never stop barking and kids would never stop crying. But seeing her was worth it.

"Bye!" Auden called happily, they both knew they would text soon after but the formality was ingrained into them.

"Bye!" Isla called in return. They began to walk away for glancing behind to mumble something towards Auden.

"I love you"

Misclick (IHaveAJuiceBox x OC) (A text story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя