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"Come on, Chompy. Did you really think you could hide from me? The next-in-line to bear the crown of the Nightcrawler family?"

Toothy raked his claws along the floorboards, drawing out a very unpleasant scratching sound that made goosebumps race along my arms.

"A human can't just disappear like that. It was obvious she had some help," Toothy continued. "And who was the little monster assigned to Isabella Guiluliani? Oh! That's right! It was you." He pointed a scaly finger at the trembling blue monster next to me.

"Isa isn't a bad person," Chompy argued. "I promise."

Toothy rolled his eyes so far back in his head, only the whites of his eyes were visible. "Come on, Chompy. Let's discuss this at home. You need to understand the severity of your actions."

With that, the larger monster wrapped a scaly hand around Toothy's smaller one, pulling him along as they prepared to gloop to Monstruo City.

"I'll be back," Chompy whispered, waving out to us.

But Toothy turned his head, flashing me an unsettling smile. "We will be back."

As soon as the two monsters finished evaporating, Luca made a beeline for the bathroom to hurl the contents of his midnight snack into the toilet. I leaned against the bathroom door frame as he rinsed out his mouth and splashed some cool water on his face.

"I think you owe me an explanation," I reached out to catch him when he staggered forwards. His weight was heavy in my arms, and I did my best to help him to his room.

"Tomorrow," he mumbled weakly. "I'll tell you everything in the morning. Pinky promise."

He stuck out his pinky, and I gingerly shook it with my own. Quietly, I closed the door and tiptoed back to my room. The stash of snacks still lay scattered on the floor, and I did my best to hide them since I didn't have the energy to put them back in the pantry. Tonight had been exhausting.

Toothy. Luca. When had they met? Why was Luca suddenly a nervous wreck?

"You're supposed to be the fearless one," I reached for a nearby photo frame. Like usual, tiny me was cradled in Mom's arms while Dad threw his head back in laughter. But as I squinted, I realized something big I'd missed. Luca always wore his hair down, gelling it up for rare occasions. But now as I was staring at his once-in-a-blue-moon forehead, I noticed a faint mark. A scar. I trailed down until I was looking into his hazel orbs that gazed back at me sadly. How had I missed all this before?

"You're not okay, aren't you?" I slid into bed and stared up at the ceiling. "You're just like me."

I didn't realize how exhausted I was until someone was shaking me awake, telling me it was time to get ready for school. I half-expected Luca but instead, Mom was perched on the edge of my bed.

"I'll drop you off, and remember that you have math tutoring this evening. We have to make up for that lesson you missed," she ran her fingers through my hair.

Sitting up, I had the urge to push her hand away. After going missing on a field trip, was slacking off on tutoring the only thing she was worried about?

"Be downstairs by 7:30," she placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you, dear."

Mom's form slowly disappeared in the darkness of the hallway, and I reached for my pillow to scream into. Why was everyone so obsessed with perfection?

"Little bean?"

Luca poked his head in, and if I weren't in such a bad mood, I would have laughed at his terrible case of bed head. He smiled at me sleepily and plopped down where Mom had been sitting seconds earlier.

Chompy (ONC 2021)Where stories live. Discover now