Model/Photographer AU - Kaeya x Reaeder

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Model Kaeya, Photographer Reader AU

- You're one of the photographers at a small shoot for a new boutique. Kaeya is the main model.

- You've worked with a lot of different models before, but Kaeya's different. The way he looks at the camera through hooded eyes, the way his lips part suggestively, his open collar, exposing his chest, you can barely hold your camera steady

- Kaeya seems aware of the effect he has on you, because whenever he catches you staring at him during a break, he'll wink at you

- During the lunch break, he'll ask if he can sit beside you. To your surprise, he isn't as flirty as you expected him to be. He sounded genuinely interested in you as he asked about you and your career.

- When lunch ends and he has to get ready for the next set, you see that he's still lingering with you. He's slightly shifting, twiddling his thumbs like he wants to say something. Before you can question him about it, he asks if he can take you out after today's shoot

"Like, on"

"No, with a sniper rifle. Yes, on a date."

- He's already changed and waiting for you by the time you're done packing your equipment.

- You guys make small talk as you walk to a restaurant he suggested. He's relaxed and funnier than you thought, making light banter.

- He's a gentleman, offering to carry your bags and walking curbside of the road.

- On your way, the two of you pass a scenic point. Kaeya asks if you want a picture, and you say sure. You wait for him to go pose, but he takes out his phone.

"I meant you. I'll take a photo of you."

- You rush to tell him you're not a model, you don't know how to pose well

- He assures you you'll do fine

"It's a shame if someone as beautiful as you is always behind the camera. You should be the subject."

- You awkwardly pose, not sure what to do with your hands, but Kaeya hypes you up as he takes photos.

- They're slanted and unfocused, but his proud smile when he shows you the photos makes you smile as well

- Later, when the two of you are officially together, he sets the photo as his phone wallpaper 

- Your shared house will be covered with photographs. Some are from you, but most are amateur photos taken by Kaeya of you.

Among the Glaze Lillies | Genshin Impact Oneshots and HeadcanonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora