Chapter 2: The Last Goodbye's

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The peacekeepers escort me into a room. When I walk in I am overwhelmed by how nice it is. Everything is a deep blue; the curtains, the chairs, the couch, and just about everything else. There is also golden crown molding on the ceiling. I go and sit on the couch.

This is the first real opportunity I've had to think about what I'm getting into. I'm 4'8 and couldn't tip the scale at seventy pounds soaking wet. Everybody probably thinks I'll die in the bloodbath or the first day. The thought reminds me of last year.

There was a girl who was twelve or thirteen. She was so little nobody paid attention to her until there were only a handful left. That's what Johanna Mason did. Should that be my strategy?

I clear my throat.  My breathing is raged and I can't seem to keep the tears away.

"You have three minutes,"

I look over and Alestria Is standing at the door with tears welled up in her eyes. Glad for the comfort that awaits me, I start of walking to her but end up running.

"Alestria!" I cry out

"Listen Rue, Thresh won't hurt you. You already know that. You need to get to trees." The urgency in her voice cuts through me like a knife.

"But Alestria, I don't think I'll come ba-" I start

"Rue don't think li-" She cuts me off

"Alestria, listen! Please!" I say, my emotions going crazy

At this she calms down. I wish she would understand that I really don't want to talk about the games. She picks up on this after a while and stops mumbling.

"Alestria… I'm not saying I won't try, I'm just trying to say...well....if I don't make it....just take care of my family for me. Please." I say sitting back down. She sits down next to me and justs holds me in her arms. I had planned a whole long speech, but that's all I can get out.

The peacekeeper walks back in "Time's up."

I hug her with all my might "I love you,"

She looks at me with pain "I love you too, little Rue."

They walk out of the room. I try not to cry because my family will be here any time now. I have to be strong, for them, and for me. Only seconds later they walk in. I'm swarmed by my family giving hugs and kisses. I notice Clover's not with them.

"Guys…." My throat threatens to close up, so I don't finish my sentence.

I try to stay cheerful, but I barely make it without my voice cracking. My littlest sisters don't really underdstand whats happening, but they understand enough to see that I have about a one in a million chance of returning. My mom walks over and sits next to me.

"Rue....I wa....I want you to have this. Its for luck"

I look down into her hand. I see a grass woven necklace with a wooden star on the middle. This was my grandma's, the one who was in the 4th hunger games. I'm overwhelmed by emotion but I have to stay strong. For them.

"Thank you." I say almosy sadly

"Rue, you promise your coming back soon?" Ivy asks

"Laurel, Violet, Ivy, Lobelia. I can't promise I will, but I will try with every bit of strength I have."

They seem to understand. I look around at the faces that make up my family. Three years olds Laurel and Violet, five year old Ivy, seven year old Lobeli, me, and my parents. Those faces break me, and tears stream thickly down my face.

"Shhhh, Rue, it's going to be ok..." My mother says

My mother has always had a way of calming me down. I don't know how she does it, but she does. Terror has taken over my body, but her words, as always, makes me feel completely safe. I pull myself together.

I turn to Laurel and Violet "You guys can share Annie."

They look at me and Violet speeks up "No Rue, Annie's yours you'll need her when you come back!"

I look at their inocent faces, how they really believe I'm coming back. My father starts to speak.

"Rue, you know this already but.....we love you. All of us."

This almost makes me cry again, but I am able to stop myself just in time. He finishes,

"I really believe you can make it back, just remember: you miss 100% of the shots you don't take"

I laugh a little. He is always telling this to us. But this has double meaning, and only I'm supposed to know what he really meant; I know you don't want to have to kill anyone, but it would be self defense not murder or lust. The thought makes me sick, but I understand. The peacekeeper walks back in

"Times up,"

I run around trying to give everyone one last hug or kiss

"I love you all! I'll try to com-"

The peacekeeper closes the door only to open it up again. Clover comes running in and throws her arms around me.

"Rue. . . ." She starts

"Its alright Clover, I'll be fine." I try to say with enthusiasm

Her eyes search mine "You don't have to do that Rue, not for me."

I hold back a sob "Clover I'm so scared." I say with a cracking voice

"I know, I am too, but please, come back to me, please. I need you Rue, I need you. . ." Her voice trails off

"I'm not giving up without a fight, I promise you that. I love you so much Clover, you'll always be with me no matter where I am." I say with a slight smile

"And you too Rue. . . . " She says with tears falling into her lap

I grab her hands "Listen to me, If I die don't let my death hang over you, you had nothing to do with it. Keep going, don't ever give up Clover, never. If I leave this world, don't give up, keep fighting as hard as you can." I say trying to be strong

Her eyes fill with pain, she understands. We sit there letting the tears fall and mix together on our laps.

The peacekeeper walks in, "Times up."

Clover stands up, with tears still dripping down her face, and turns around. She turns and looks at me just before the door and whispers "I love you." back at me. She's let me go, I can tell, and the thought almost makes me happy, that she'll go on without me.

The door shuts with a slam. I am left with silence, the most terrible kind I've ever experienced. It means that I'm alone now and nobody can come save me. No family, no friends, except Thresh.......Then the full impact of what I just thought hits me like a wall. Thresh and I, we will be going into the arena. Together, only one will come out.

Only one, only one,

The words echo in my head. Then a peacekeeper walks in to escort me to the train. The train that will take me away from district 11.....possibly forever.

By the way Annie is a doll :)

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