Chapter 7: Training day 2

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"Wake up! You have a very, very, very big day ahead of you!!!!!!"

I wake up to Verta screaming through my door once again. With how high pitched the Capitol people's voices are, and how much yelling and constant talking they do, I'm surprised that they rarely lose their voice. I get up, make my bed again, and put my training outfit back on and my necklace. I left it on the dresser last night. I head down the hall and see that as usual I'm the last one to come eat.

I walk strait to the buffet table and dish up something new that I haven't tried yet. I go sit by Seeder who is already done eating, she must've gotten up early.

We finish the meal in silence. Verta comes in to inform us that we need to leave. Me and Thresh walk over to the elevator with Verta right behind us. We get down to the Training Center in no time. Everyone but District 9 is here. So I stand uncomforatably waiting for Fern.

I really want to go talk to Katniss, I want her as an allie. I've seen her during training, she's amazing at the edible plants station, handy with a knife, and I'm almost possitive she might be good with a bow. She has gone to every station but the archery station.

She might be trying to keep a low profile, but she's always eyeing the bows over there as if she is dreaming about shooting one. As far as I'm conserned she is higher up on my 'Want' list than any of the careers, maybe even Fern. District 9 doesn't arive so at 9:00 sharp, we're told to start. I don't think I want to do any spying, I have a good grip onwhat everyone is good at. I even overheard District 6 and 7 have made an allience.

I wonder if I should ask Fern to be my allie? I don't wan to be alone in the arena. I decide to head over to the archery station. I try the best I can, but I only end up embarssing myslelf. I'm never going to be good at archery, or spears. I turn around to see Cato looming over me staring dagger's into my eyes, I quickly walk away.

I hear to the elevator click and Fern runs into the gym. She spots me and smiles. She jogs over casualy

"Miss anything?" She asks

"Not really. . ." I say

We walk over to the gauntlet station and ask for the easy course. No one is here so we run it taking turns. Running the guantlet in itself is easy but dodging the padded bats aren't. Me and Fern both do well in the easy and medium stage. When Fern does the hard stage she loses balence and falls to the floor.

"You ok?" I ask

She gets up and coughs "I'm fine."

I step up to get ready to run the hard level. I leap onto the first platform fine, by the fourth one I can see I can't make it. I tilt just in time to dodge one bat. As I'm dodging I lean to far just as the second bat hits me. I go flying into the wall. The trainers who were watching run over.

"Rue?" One asks

I moan and Fern runs over and helps me up.

"Rue! Are you ok?" She asks

Thresh sees and runs over with a very concerend look in his eyes.

"Rue tell the truth are you ok?" He asks

I don't want to go into the arena hurt so I do tell the truth

"No. . . .my back feels like it's on fire, and I can't breath right." I say while choking on air

I'm starting to get dizzy and I can't stand right, so Thresh just picks me up and takes me to the elevator. When we get to our floor everyone comes rushing over to us. I can't hold on much longer. . . .I black out from the pain.


I wake up to blinding lights. I don't know where I am. Everything starts to come into focuss and I hear scampering. Then Thresh is right in my face

"Rue!" His voice booms

I groan in responce. I have a major headache and my back hurts. Luckily my breathing is back to normal. I look around for mom and daddy. Where are they? And better question why is Thresh here? A doctor walks up to me.

"Rue, do you remember anything?" I shake my head no "That's ok, it's going to take a while but you'll get your memory back." I nod to him "You'll be able to train again tommorow, with no side effects. And by the time your in the arena, you won't even hurt!" I turn to him and try to smile.

My mind is foggy and I'm really tired. The doctor comes over and takes my pulse, then checks my heartbeat.

"She's going to be just fine." He says calmly

 Then the doctor says something and hits a button. I feel a cool liquid coming into my arm and I black out.

Well! I'm really sorry this was short! Thanks to all of my supporters, you guys are the best! All imput welcome!

As always coment, vote and fan


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