Chapter 13: bloodbath

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Sixty seconds, that's how long we have to stand on our metal plates. Step off early and mines blow you to pieces. Sixty second to take in my fellow tributes, some with a face of excitement, and others, the people like me, trying to hide their terror. My pedestal is right in front of the cornucopia.

The cornucopia is a metallic gray color with a mouth about twenty feet up. Inside I see everything that will keep us alive. Extra cloths, weapons, fire starters, food, bottles and anything else the game makers thought would be helpful.

Scattered around, just like Seeder said there would be, are a variety of things with their value decreasing as they get closer to us. For instance not five steps from where I am is a small ball of twine, but in the mouth I see a much stronger bundle of rope that could probably hold a three hundred pound person from a tree without effort.

The cornucopia is surrounded by mountains, except for a tiny part that appears to be a wheat Field and maybe a cliff. All the mountains appear to be covered in trees, which is a very good thing because trees just might be my savior in this place, my protection.

There's a lake right behind the tail of the cornucopia.I just hope thats not the only water source. My head looks to the screen located above the cornucopia

20. . . . . . .

What do I do? I locate Fern, she's two tributes to my right. She see's me and points to the sickle. I give her a sideways nod, trying to get her not to go in. She points to the sickle then to the woods to my right. I give her a sideways nod to the sickle but a yes nod to the woods. She stops paying attention to me, she's made up her mind, she's getting that sickle.

10. . . . . . .

I take a deep breath and position my feet where I want to go. To my surprise that isn't the woods, its the cornucopia, to the supplies. My heart is racing unnaturally fast and my breathing is ragged

5. . . . . . . .

I lean forward and get ready waiting for the gong that represents the start of the game.

3. . . . . . .

The careers hoot as I try to stop the shaking that has overcome my body

2. . . . . . . .

I'm whispering to myself trying to make sure I breath.

1. . . . . . . .

The gong sounds and I dart in. Tributes are closing in on all sides as I run. Some tributes are close to the mouth already and the slow ones are just realising that they made the wrong move. I see the girl from 5 run into the woods with nothing. My mind is mixed up, what am I doing?

I just make it in half way and grab a small backpack and a water bottle. I see the girl from 1 running to me with a dagger. I have nothing to protect myself with. All the fear I've been holding in burst out when I see this girl, a predator coming for it's prey. She pins me down to the ground, and it's clear I can't push her off.

I yell the only name that comes to mind "THRESH."

I scream, not knowing where he is. The knife is just about to reach my skin when I hear some heavy footsteps coming towoard me and the girl. I can feel weight being lifted off me. The person throws her as far as they can

"Run! Go." I see it's Thresh 

I can see the pain in his eyes, he wants to be with me and protect me. But he can't, why?

Glimmer doesn't want to give up on me, she darts back to me. There isn't a second to wait, so I sprint as hard as I can, only turning for a split to locate Fern. I see her struggling with the boy from District 5. My heart skips a beat but I know theres nothing I can do for her.

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