Chapter 12: One more night

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"You did great Rue!" Verta looks at me smiling

"Thanks." I reply simply

Seeder walks up to me with a mischievous grin on her face "I can't believe you did that, but as much as I didn't want you to tell them, It really did work well for you."

She gives me a sideways hug. I'm told to go change and shower and then come out for dinner. I obey and start walking down the hall. When I get to  my room I strip my clothes and hop right into the shower, not caring what buttons I push. I'm squirted with cold and hot water from the sides, the bottom, and the top. I eventually just get out and turn the dryer on. I've totally erased every effort my prep team had for me. Nothing is left, just plain old me.

I get into some comfortable clothes and walk back down the hall. Everyone is waiting. I get my food and sit down. We all just sit there and eat, no one talks.

It's like there's an elephant in the room but no one will acknowledge it. We all know what the elephant is, this is the last night before the games. Once were done we go to the T.V. room and watch the recap. I'm not so sure what I was like, but everyone tells me I was adorable. Thresh looks monstrous and Fern did fine herself.

Once this is done we just sit. Verta can't stand the silence,  so she just leaves the room telling us she has 'stuff' to do. We  just sit and sit and sit. Finally Seeder breaks the silence

"Look. . . . . .Rue, Thresh . . . . . .we all know what happens tomorrow. . . . .I just wanted to tell you guys that you have been some of the best tributes I've ever gotten to mentor. . . . ."

My eyes tear up, that wasn't a I'll-see-you-soon-goodbye it was a you-aren't-coming-back-goodbye.

"Bye Seeder, I. . . .I loved having you as a mentor, and a friend." I reply with my voice shaking.

I get up to break the awkwardness of the situation "I'm going to say goodbye to my prep team."

They all just nod their heads. I walk out. Everything seems wrong, having to say bye. It seems like all I'm doing is saying goodbye. I don't like it but I keep walking anyway. When I find my prep team they're all talking in hushed whispers.

"Hey guys I just wanted to say that you guys have been great. Whatever happens just know that it was great to meet you guys." I say trying to steady my voice

They look like they'll stay in control of their emotions but Aelia starts crying and sets them all off. I can't take this much longer without crying myself. I start to shake them off, I know I should be kind, but I'm aggrivated for some reason.

"Hey! Guys! I'm the one going to die. . . . .you guys don't get it do you? This isn't a game for me, who's the one that's going to have to fight other teenagers for their lives? Me! Were not talking about fighting over the best looking cookie I'm talking about my life. My ever so real life."

They all just stare. There's an awkward silence that follows until Aelia speaks up.

"Your right, I'm sorry Rue it's just that you've been so kind to me. It hurts me to see you like this!"

I walk right over and hug her. Then I go down the line. I walk out as they shout out encouraging words on how I'll 'do great'. I don't really want to talk to Seeder so I just start walking. I find myself knocking on Thresh's door. He opens it slowly.

"What do you need?" he sounds aggravated as well, but when he see's it's me he goes on "Oh it's you, come in."

I walk in and find that his room is similar to mine. Just a different color. I sit in a chair

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