Chapter 8: Thoughts

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I wake up in a large white room where everything's white, but not much occupys it though. Just a bed, side table, and a couple of chairs. I do notice that there is at least four tubes stuck into my arm. I have a slight head-ache, but nothing that I haven't dealt with before. I look around. I Don't see anyone. Then a beeping noise goes off and a guy in a white doctors coat walks in.

He looks over at me "Well your just on schedule. . . ." He writes something on a clip board then continues "Do you remember what happened?"

"I think I do." I say shakily

"Well when you ran the gauntlets you were slammed into a wall. You not only got the wind knocked out of you but you hit your head on the wall. You got a slight concussion. You did get a couple of bruises but all of those we have taken care of. We've done everything we can to make the concussion go away, we've succeeded but you can't go back to training until tomorrow, just to be safe."

I look at him and simply reply "Okay."  He calls Verta down and within 5 minutes she's down here rushing in.

"Rue your up, thank the lord!" she looks tired

I give a slight chuckle  "Hello to you too then. . . . ."

She turns to the doctor "She's good to go?"

"Yep she's fine." He replys with a wink

The doctor unhooks me from my tubes then they help me out of the bed, even though I told them I could do it myself. Verta hands me some clothes and leads me to an attached bathroom so I can change. I come out in a simple outfit, jeans and a t-shirt. Before I go I Turn to the Doctor

"Um mister, whats your name?" I ask hesitantly

He smiles "Zellen Orange."

I finish my sentence "Thanks. . . . .Zellen. . .for you know. . . .fixing me up."

He just nods and starts to fill out my release form. Verta starts pulling me forward to the elevator. And for the next couple of minutes she fills me in on what I missed. They got a visit from Fern asking if I was ok, they got over two-thousand letters from capital citizens wondering what happened, President Snow called to see if I would be ok in time for the arena.

There's our president, doesn't care if i'm ok just if i'll be ok by the games. We're back on the 11th floor and as soon as the elevator opens my prep team rushes over with Evander in the lead.

"Rue, were so glad your ok! We thought you got hurt worse!" Aelia says

I tell them I'm fine and walk to my room. I decide that I should write my family a letter, hard as it may be. I start my first draft and pretty soon I'm at draft number thirty. I can't get the words to come out the way I want them to. I start to cry. I cry for my family, me, the games, Emerald, my grandma, anyone who I thought of. I go directly to the buttons on the wall and order food, everything from cake to fish to corn.

Once in a while someone will come knock on my door, but I don't let anyone in but the avox's who are bringing me food.  Once I'm done I just lay in my bed and sob till I have no more tears to cry. I get the hiccups and order a glass of water. When my hiccups go away I have no clue what to do, I lay out the options in my head

Go find Seeder. . . . . . . .couldn't handle it

Train. . . . . . . . . .banned from it till tomorrow

Sleep. . . . . . . . . . . . .not tired

Eat. . . . . . . . . . . .stuffed to the rim

This goes on till I decide to turn the T.V. on. I sit down in a plush chair right in front of the T.V. I flip through the channels, with the first few I come to being unbearable. Then it goes to some weird Capitol work out shows. Then one in particular that catches my eye.

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