Epilogue - Special Chapter

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Rue The Overlooked, my dearest big sister. I am not here to weep, or to relive her death, not even to mourn, I am here to remember it, remember her.

The 74th Hunger Games was the second-to-last hunger games ever to be played. The last one being the Capital Games, the games using only capital children, as it was the punishment given to them.

As soon as Rue died, Katniss, Thresh, and Fern teamed up to kill Clove because she was the reason Rue's life was taken.

Clove was killed by Katniss, she took an arrow to the heart. Thresh was the one that nocked her down long enough to be killed.

Fern died in the attempt, she took a knife in the head. Katniss and Thresh refused to kill one another, so they killed themselves by eating nightlock, a deadly berry.

I can still remember it, Katniss with her eyes closed, and Thresh with tears dripping down his face. The games lasted only six hours after Rue's death.

The Gamemaker, Seneca Crane, was killed immediately after for failing to produce a victor.

Then came the rebellion: Capital against Districts. Rue, Katniss, and Thresh became the faces of the rebellion. It was only a four month battle, but the losses were significant, but they were worth it. In the end the Districts were victorious, even District 13 turned out to be alive and helped with the efforts.

Paylor from District eight was elected president, right after President Snow was murdered publicly for his crimes.

The best thing about those rough months was the peace. Hard to get, fought for peace. Today the children only learn about the games, no one is reaped and sent to die, no one holds one another at their own Mercy, it's Peaceful.

The Capital citizens have made themselves useful by starting a nationwide Medical industry. District 13 has rebuilt itself above ground, but I'm sure they still have all the rooms underground ready for use.

All the Districts are allowed visits to other places, something never permitted before. The nation is becoming one again, districts are joining together to make one strong body of people.

Yes, the jobs are still there, and there's always work to be done, but the time we have to work isn't as long and the directors are much nicer.

The district fences are no longer looked upon like they were. Gaurds still keep watch in them, but for our own safety. The crazy high fences and metal plates have been removed and in its place has been put a fence used only to keep predators out, not us in.

At first the days seemed strange, not being whipped or yelled at, but we've all adjusted to needing one another, we work together instead of by ourselves, if you know what I mean.

It's nice to see children laugh and play, instead of worrying what they will eat for their next meal.

Rue became a known name with all, she left everyone to remember never to overlooked someone, because even the smallest people can be. . . . .the biggest threat. Rue became known as: Rue The Overlooked and is remembered by everyone.

And if Your wondering about me, I'm Clover Pettisan, the best friend of Primrose Everdeen, Katniss Everdeen's little sister.

Turns out we have a very special connection, just like our sisters. I am not saying that we're always simpatico, but we get along well and understand each other. 

Our daughters have a special connection too. Prim's daughter Katniss, who everyone calls Kat, and my daughter Rue share an inseperable bond as well. 

It's funny acually, how two people from very different worlds, can get along so well. Kat has the blonde hair of Prim, but the light gray eyes of Katniss. My Rue, she is exactly like my sister. She has a small frame, big brown eyes, and her voice, when she sings, is almost identical to my sisters. The only thing that my Rue doesn't remind me of my sister, is her smile. 

She brought that on her own. My sister smiled often, but it was the kind of smile that was put on as a mask. Not a real smile. Real smiles were a treat.

Now as I sit at the base of the butternut tree by the river singing soflty to my Rue, I realize that my sister will live on. Maybe not in person, but in my heart. In anyone's heart who meet her. So when my daughter asks me

"Mama, will you ever forget Auntie Rue?" 

I can honestly answer "No sweety. . . . .I don't think I'll ever forget her."

Rue is one person who will never fade in my memory. She is the one I will never forget - The one that all of us will never forget.

I decided to write a special Epilogue in its own chapter, even though the book was finished long ago. I hope you have enjoyed this book, because I sure did! Thank you for this amazing journey.


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