Chapter 8

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It was a busy week for me. I had a lot of deadlines but it seems like every time I got one done there will be ten new ones. I grew tired of it but I can't complain. I chose this path so I should stay responsible with it .

By Thursday I was totally over it. I've been sleeping late to do homeworks and works, waking up early to go straight to class, come back home almost in night time, then repeat. I was basically in a zombie mode.

I went to lab at 7 AM today and stayed there until 11.30. When my laboratory assistant let us go I couldn't help but leave as soon as possible. I went back to autopilot to walk to the cafetaria. In my mind, it chanted "Food! Food! Food!". It was too busy with the thoughts of food to mind the surroundings.

I gasped as someone ran to me which made me fell backwards. I landed on my butt with an oomph as the culprit stumbled from the impact. It was the rush hour on my faculty. When we have full day with classes we have an hour of lunch break and everyone seem to be starving.

As I collected my thoughts a hand offered to pull me. "I'm so so sorry! I should've seen where I'm going. I was gonna meet my Mom for a lunch..." the guy kept on rambling but something caught my attention. His eyes. He was Gray eyes! I bursted out laughing after I realized that.

It seemed to snap him out of his rambles. He looked at me with concern and obvious confusion. After my laughter died down I told him, "Didn't we meet few nights ago on the club?" He seemed to think hard then his eyes brightened as he nodded. "Seems like we have the tendency to fall when we meet." I said with a smile. He surprisingly flirted with me saying as long as I don't fall for him. What a cheeky boy!

I only laughed at his attempt when my phone rang. It was Yuna, my lab partner as well as one of my friends. I was supposed to meet her on the cafetaria to talk about a project we have. I excused myself but Gray eyes hold my wrist.

"I've never catch your name. I'm Adriel." I told him my name and he asked-more like insisted actually - if I want to grab some coffee tomorrow which I reluctantly agreed. I still feel wary about boys in general even if I try to push the feeling away, but he could be really persistent. I also thought there won't be any harm done with making another acquaintance. It's not like we will go straight to dating after a coffee. Unless.. my mind started to drift to something but I cutted it off. No, Nesya, not a good time to remember. I reprimanded myself.
We exchanged our numbers then part ways.

I saw Yuna, Alyssa, and Eliana from afar. We've been close since the beginning of university time. Forming bonds since most of us came from far away so we try to be a family for each other. Whenever one of us is sick or not okay we will take turn to watch the sick person. It was a nice feeling but sometimes.. I still feel something is off.

I pulled the chair to alert them of my presence. After that I got lost in the conversation as nothing interesting happened throughout the day.

I finally somewhat free! So here is an update.. I know 4 years late but better be late than never right? 😝
Some of the writing style might have changed but I hope you will enjoy it anyway

Before you think otherwise.. No, Adriel won't be the one to break the curse. At least (maybe) not right away.
Nesya is still recovering and someone can't completely change because of a person especially when it comes to dealing with trauma.
It will be explained in next chapters I promise :)

So any questions? Thoughts??


Serena x

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