Chapter 3

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It's scary how things come and go so fast. Faster than the wind in the middle of tornado. Just kidding, I was exaggerating. Talk about dramatic effect. But, hey! Time surely flies fast. It's like one moment we were dealing with something and the next second its over.
I still remember my highschool time. Even though it wasn't all pleasant, I didn't regret it even a bit. I believe that whatever happens in your life will be useful for your future.
Back then, when I was in 11th grade, everything was perfect. Me and my classmates whom calling themselves as Gossip Bae got along so well. I finally could feel wanted in school. I finally felt that school is a fun time instead of a torture. I started to like to go to school. Please don't complain, sometimes school is good. Despite the boring lessons and mean teachers.
I remember it was my first time to go abroad when I was in 11th grade first semester. I was so happy, my friends were happy for me too.
We went to vacation together on the second semester. It was a bliss. The beach, the waves, the ocean, the soft sand, everything. I loved every moment we had there. Except the one where I burnt my feet because I walked barefooted on the hot sun. I didn't want to. But we were going to try parasailing. The fly was amazing.
Then things started to get worse in the last month of 11th grade. One of my bestfriends started to brag about basically everything. And she was also my chairmate. She always cheated on tests and copied my answers.
I was naïve, I was afraid to be friendless again. I let her. But she told another friend of mine that she was being my chairmate just because she wanted to copy the tests. I left her after that.
When I was in 12th grade
First semester was okay even though the group member started to leave one by one. Until the end of the semester there was just 5 people left. It used to be 10 people.
When second semester aka my last semester in highschool started, all hell broke loose. I knew exams were coming. But I didn't anticipated to be bullied by my own friends.
The group was only 4 people now. Me and 3 friends of mine. But they started to talk badly about our old group's friends. I realized how toxic the friendship was when they started to talk about each other behind their back. And I knew that about time I would be the victim too. I tried to left.
But before I got the chance to completely left the group, they started to bullied me. No real reasons just excuses. It started with one person, let's call her the Queen Bee, she started the rumour. First with the group members. Then with my classmates. Then with people I didn't even know. I knew it because I met someone. I didn't know her at first but she told me the Queen Bee talked about me badly to her. But thankfully, she was still being friendly with me.
Not only talking about me behind my back, they used to called me names whenever I walked down the hall with my classmates. Or laughed when I passed by. They were mean bitches.
I was a coward, I ran away. I hid from them. But in the end, I snapped. I faced them. I told them that, "Do you think bullying someone make you look better? No! You will stay wherever you were. Oh wait, worse people will look down on you. I didn't and still don't want to stop that low. So, you feel happy ? You didn't win this battle because the battle doesn't even exist. Stop making nonsense and bother anyone's life." I left them afterward.
I decided to stop caring about people. I decided to never bother people's business if it doesn't concern mine.
Later that night, one of them texted me and apologized. I told her I forgave her but I've never come back. Not until this moment.
I'm done with drama and I want to live my life peacefully.

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