Chapter 2

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WARNING! Some mild swearing

I've never thought anyone would treat me so kindly. Especially not those who barely know me. Like Mrs.Clarke and Ferdinand in instance. But they did. And I'm eternally grateful for it.
Ferdinand left for study after he showed me my room. A decent sized room with a small closet and a bathroom. It was on the 5th floor with a window faced to the road.
I unpacked the main stuff and plopped down on the sofa near the window. Looking directly through the busy street. It was 9 am. Some people were walking with their dogs, some were joking around with each other. It was nice to see the happy faces with positive aura. I can't wait to be one of them.
I opened my phone and scrolled through the instagram's feed. And saw one of my old friend tagged me. It was a picture of me and my old friends when we were in 11th grade. We were fine by then but everything went downhill again after some time.
I looked at the comments and saw the old friend commented something. She didn't mention me but I knew she was talking about me. In vicious tone. I bit down my lip and tried to control my emotion. I'm now miles away from her. I'm safe.
But the sad truth is.. She was my bestfriend or I thought she was. But here, she was attacking me verbally even though I'm no longer there. How people can change because of a rumour. Because of a talking bitch.
Where I came from, highschool starts from 10th grade and ends in 12th grade. So we have 3 years of highschool. And I was an innocent little girl who wants to fit in.
I'm not going to lie but I wished to be popular too. But it might be everyone's dream to be recognized and adored by people. Especially after spending times being unnoticed.
I applied to one of the top after school activities and was doing fine in both academic and socialization. I joined the student council and met a lot of friends.
But then I quit the extracurricular because my mother didn't like me going home late. And the selection of the extracurricular obliged me to go home late.
Everything started to crash down. My used to be friends didn't talk to me anymore, my relationship with my boyfriend was over, and some of my classmates that I considered good friends started to avoid me.
It got worse in second semester, they completely avoided me. And I became a loner, something I highly despised. I stopped going to the cafetaria. I used my recess time to read in wattpad and took naps. Sad life.
Anyway, later that semester one of the group's member (they formed a group called Gossip Bae) asked me to go to the cafetaria with her. I gladly accepted. They never apologized directly for their behaviors but I believed in second chance. I thought everything was fine. And it was for a short moment.
But at the very least I was happy.

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