New arrival

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Cas Pov

"Hello, humans" Cas said to the three men standing in front of him                                                              "Who the hell're you?!" said a handsome man with a very deep voice. at least an octave lower than Castiels, "And why the fuck do you have wings?!"                                                                                        "I am Castiel, i am an angel of the lord."                                                                                                                       "A real angel? oh wow" the extremely tall one said                                                                                                   "C'mon Sam! You cant believe this bullshit!" The handsome one yelled at Sam?                                     "Dean! He has wings!" Sam? yelled in response. As they argued Cas couldn't help but notice how dean?s lips were slightly bottom heavy, and the emotion that came with the deepness of his voice, he didnt know what it was, but he hated it and liked it at the same time.                                       "You idjits!" the shorter bearded man said, stopping the chaos "Now is not the time! Angel or not, let the man speak!"                                                                                                                                                      "Well, I have been sent down by my father, and gabriel" Sam? groaned at the name "To help the Winchesters, since it is their time of need."                                                                                                                 "Thats perfect!" Sam? said "Because I'm Sam Winchester, and my brother here is Dean Winchester! And thats Bobby."                                                                                                                                         "You Idjit!" Bobby yelled

Dean Pov

" Don't even touch anything!" Dean yelled to the blue eyed angel in his backseat. His eyes were so blue, Dean could feel them staring into his soul. He cant believe  he feels like this again! If these feeling were towards women, he'd just go and get her! But men? Men were more complicated. He can't have feelings for men! He's not gay! Besides, he likes women too, so its impossible anyways. When he does have feelings for men, he pushes the emotion away until the reason for them leaves, or the emotions themselves leave. But something told him it wouldn't be that easy. "We're here." he said as they pulled into a hotel parking lot.

Once they got inside, Dean walked up to Cas "Now there's only three beds, so youre gonna have to sleep on the floor, or the couch, or something, cause youre not sleeping with one of us."              "that's ok, Dean, Angels don't sleep." As Castiel Took his shirt off, to get comfortable or something, he flexed his wings to stretch them, All the muscle in his back from years of use flexed too, and the emotions pent up in deans chest and throat made him want to scream, but instead he said "I'm gonna go for a drive" And without a word he hurried out ignoring the shouts coming from Sam and Bobby. Fighting the blush that had bloomed whilst inside he got in his car and drove about two blocks away before parking the car and getting the emotions out. No, this wouldn't be as simple as before, this was more then simple arousal, this was more than that. Dean just didn't know what it was yet.


So this is my first destiel story, i'm gonna put less fighting and more like firsts for Castiel and Dean slowly coming to accept himself, i hope you enjoyed i'm gonna post as soon as i can, thank you!

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