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Cas Pov

"DEAN!!" The moose of a man ran up to his brother and hugged him "where were you last night? You never came back! We were about to go look for you!" Dean awkwardly patted him and said     "I'm fine Sam, I just decided to sleep in the Impala last night" Cas could see the way he was lying. so he took a tiny peek into his mind and he saw a horrifying scene

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" a man cas assumed was Deans father stood looming before a much younger dean "I DO NOT HAVE A GAY SON!" Wait hold on, gay? "THAT SHIT IS UNNATURAL!" he angrily threw his beer onto the floor, showering Dean with broken glass "NEVER SPEAK OF THAT AGAIN!! I'M JUST GONNA WAIT FOR YOU TO GROW OUT OF THIS GAY PHASE" He started to walk away but he turned "and clean this mess up" 14 year old Dean slumped to the floor and started picking up the pieces of glass with tears running down his face. a 10 year old Sam ran over from the door behind Dean "It's ok Dean" he said, studying his face "dad's just mean, god made you exactly the way he wanted you to be" dean shook his head "No, dads' right, it's not ok. I'll grow out out of it" Sam studied his face more "Ok" and helped dean pick up the glass

Cas stumbled away from Dean fully in shock of what he saw inside his head. Dean stared at him, confused, and then shook his head "Any updates?" Sam pulled away and grabbed some papers off the table "Well we figured out angels can read minds...." as Sam continued talking Dean stared at Cas, who was looking at him with a look of sympathy. "you stay out of my mind." Dean whispered and then wandered off muttering about dicks with wings. When cas heard the shower turn on he turned to sam "Explain emotions for me"

Dean Pov

Dean turned on the shower and then sat down on the closed toilet to think, If Cas read his mind, did that mean he saw that? No. It's not possible. he must've saw something else because why would an angel look at him with sympathy after learning he might be gay? it doesn't matter. He's not gay! He likes girls! He put his head in his hands and groaned, he hated being so confused.

He heard talking and listened to what was being said "-well i think thats it, unless you have something specific to explain" he heard his brother say he couldn't hear for a second and then he heard Cas' voice "-Almost like a frustration, but good almost? Human emotions are very confusing at times." sam chuckled and said "you probably have a crush on someone..." and Dean tried to convince himself he didnt care, but he couldnt help but wonder who cas liked.

Why do I feel like this?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora