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dean pov

"How did you do that?" dean asked reaching out to touch the wings that were twice the size of Castiels', but Gabriel smacked his hand away "a-ah no touching the wings, your boyfriend might let you touch his, but not me, sorry kiddo." Gabriel chuckled as Dean reeled "And I found your next hunt for ya. There's a vampire nest a few streets down, if you go now you'll be back in time for dinner." 

After the hunt, Cas was cleaning the blood off of him, with the bathroom door open. Dean didn't realize he was staring until Gabriel teleported with his arm on Deans shoulder making Dean drop his  burger "I can see you staring at my brother ya'know." Castiel paused for a second a red tint spreading on his cheeks before continuing to wipe the blood off of his face. "I know the feeling, don't worry kiddo" Gabriel paused and looked out the window at Sam putting some things away in the Impala. Dean shook his head "But I'm not gay! thats unnatural!"

"Nah, souls are genderless"

"But it's still not right"

"Really it's the meat suits that have decided its wrong"

"It's ok dean, i'm sure god made you exactly like he wanted to"

"you should really trust the angel of heaven on this one"

"THAT SHIT IS UNNATURAL" He shattered his bottle showering Dean with broken glass

Castiel winced and Dean put his head in his hands. 

Cas pov

Castiel always looked into Deans' mind and immediately regretted it. 

Wow your boyfriend has a bit of trauma gabriel said phsycicly 

Yeah. It makes him hard to get to castiel responded with a heavy sigh

Well i have an idea

Cas turned to look at an apparently sleeping Dean

and what's that?

I get with his brother to show him it's ok!

I feel like this is for your own benefit

eh, it's for the both of us

I feel like I'm not getting a choice in the matter


Dean pov

Dean watched as Castiel phsycically talked to gabriel, still feeling iffy about it. Whenever Cas turned around he Dean pretended to sleep.

"I AM NOT RAISING A FAGGOT! IF YOU WANT THAT BOYFRIEND, NEVER COME BACK!" Dean felt something hit the back of his neck. "Dad please! We're just friends! He lost his brother so I was consoling him!" His father somehow yelled louder "BULLSHIT. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" Sam looked up at his father with pleading eyes "Dad please" Tears trailed down the younger boys face "C'mon Sammy" Dean grabbed his brother and ran out the door "AND DONT EVER COME BACK!" he heard in the distance "Where are we going to go?" Sam asked "I have a friend" a few hours later they showed up at a rickety house "Hey Bobby"

Why do I feel like this?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن