Confusion and understanding

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A/N Hey guys, Last chapter may have been bad, i was mainly using it as a build up to this one, i really hope you enjoy this :)

The next morning Dean walked into the motel see an extremely worried Sam and Garth. "Garth? when'd you get here?" Garth perked up and beamed "DEAN! you're back!!" The short man hugged him "We were so worried about you!" "I'm fine, i just fell asleep in baby." Cas looked at him and opened his mouth to say something and Dean said quickly "Cas can I talk to you alone?" The angel looked confused and then nodded "Of course Dean"

"Dean, your emotions and needs confuse me" Dean slammed the door "I TOLD you to stay out of MY HEAD CAS" "Dean sometimes it isnt optional" "What the hell do you mean cas" "It's like my wings, most of the time I can control it, but sometimes, it's a reflex. But Dean, you confuse me, last night you wanted me to kiss you, but then you..." he trailed off looking confusedly into Deans' eyes, they stayed like that for awhile until a look of understanding passed over his face "Dean your father was incorrect" Dean stood and pointed at the blue-eyed boys face "YOU DON'T GET TO SAY A THING ABOUT MY FATHER" Cas calmly took deans hand away from his face "You're scared and upset Dean. But we-" "DON'T say anything. This won't work. I'm not gay." "Dean your emotions say otherwise." Cas paused, and then pressed his lips into deans'. In spite of himself, Dean kissed back, if Cas could feel his emotions, he knew how much he wanted this , needed this. He made the kiss more passionate. Until he heard a bang against the door "What. The. Hell." Cas looked up "Dean, I do not believe that it is hell" they walked out to see Kevin, but with black eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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