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Cas pov

About 15 minutes later Dean emerged from the bathroom hair still dripping. A wayward droplet made its way down the  side of his face and down his jawline, causing Cas to notice it, and then his lips, which ended up with Cas imagining how they would feel against his own. He was shaken out of his thoughts by dean saying "Are we gonna stand there forever? or are we going to eat soon? I'm famished!" Fighting a blush, Castiel turned around and started adjusting his wings to try and fit them in his trench coat at least sort of comfortably. Sam looked at him quizzically, although Cas refused to tell Sam who he was "Crushing" on, he was sure Sam could tell by the growing blush who it was.

Dean pov

Dean wanted nothing more than to touch Cas' wings, and maybe even his muscular back, but he couldnt, and besides, why was he thinking that in the first place? So he busied himself by "looking for his keys" (Even thought they were in his pocket) when he heard a sharp cry of pain from Cas and he turned around so quick, he was dizzy for a second. "What happened? are you ok?" 

"I'm fine Dean"

"You don't sound fine"

"It's just my wing!"

"Sam go get something for his wing" Cas Grunted in disapproval as Sam disappeared to the car. "Ok, lets look at it then" as Dean took off the trenchcoat he gasped

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