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I am going to switch a bit more to 3rd person, also if you haven't already PLEASE read the fanfic called "In This Secluded Spot I Respond As I Wouldn't Dare Elsewhere" I don't remember the author but it is AMAZING omc i am screaming. Also, i love reading you guys' feedback, please comment any ideas! I love yall, have some gay lollies for the chapter            -Hands out those rainbow airhead sour candies-  Enjoy :)

During one of the nighttime drives Dean takes when the nightmares keep him awake, Castiel teleported to the passenger  seat, almost killing Dean. "Dammit Cas! I could've swerved off the road!" He yells, slamming on the brakes. Castiel looked up apologetically "My apologies, Dean" Dean walked out of the car and slammed the door "Whatever, just shut up and stay out of my goddamn head." He grabbed a beer, leaned on the hood of the car and closed his eyes. 

"What in tha hell?" the gruff voice responded "Dean? What are ya doin' here?"

"Dad kinda kicked me out" He said, kicking the dirt with his toe 

"What fer'?" 

He stayed silent "Ah whatever, git in here, you ain't even got shoes on ya idjit!"

Dean felt a hand on his cheek and jumped, he hadn't even realized he was crying. He snatched the hand by instinct, when he opened his eyes he saw massive blue eyes twist from confusion to understanding. "My apologies Dean, I forgot about..." Dean dropped his hand and tried to push those thoughts out of his mind he cant love him! He likes girls, right? He's not gay! but, then why does he want to kiss him?! 

Then, he felt something he didn't expect. Castiels lips were so soft and warm, he melted into the touch, that is, until he realized what he was doing and of whom it was with. He pulled away, causing Cas to reel slightly. "I can't do this i-" Cas looked at him "Dean.." "No, no, no, just, just  go. I- no." The angel nodded slightly and disappeared

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