Part 4 ~ Proper Introduction

43 1 6

Warnings: None

Word count: Around 950


It had been a couple of hours since your run-in with Kai and you found yourself unable to shake the thought of him. You walked downstairs and into the living room of the house, where Kai was sitting on the couch with a glass of bourbon in his hand.

"Hi." He muttered. "Hi." You repeated, pouring yourself some bourbon and sitting next to him. He stood up and started to walk away. "Kai? I know we aren't off to a great start, but we can change that. I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm (Y/N) Salvatore." You smiled, taking a sip from your glass.

"Salvatore? As in-"

"Stefan and Damon? My petty ass brothers? Yeah."

"Oh- Uh... They put you here?" He stuttered at your boldness.

"That Bennett witch too. Bonnie was her name. See I'm not super great with names, don't be offended."

"Right. I'm Kai Parker." He smiled, sitting back down.

"So, Kai, how'd you get here?" You asked, laying down and putting your feet in his lap. "Long story." He muttered, taking a long sip of bourbon. "You're the secret-keeping type. I see." You teased. "Trust me, sweetheart, you don't want to know." Your heart fluttered slightly at the nickname, but you swallowed the feeling down and sat back up. You tried your best to hide the flustered look on your face.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked mockingly, when you didn't respond immediately a worried expression flooded his face. You gave him a reassuring smile. "Nothing. Just tired, that's all. I'm gonna head up to bed. Don't try to kill me in my sleep okay?" You joked.

He let out a dramatic gasp. You stood up and Kai immediately missed your presence. "Night, pretty boy." You ruffled his hair playfully and went to your room.

~ About 2 weeks later ~

You laid wide awake in your bed staring at the ceiling.

"You deserve to be here. You're a monster. You're going to be here forever, just end it. You'll never find a way out."

Thoughts raced around in your head. You flipped over, covering your ears.

"Stop wasting your time trying to stop it. It's the truth, and you know that."

You groaned and sat up, stretching slightly. You walked out of your room and into the hallway, which was only illuminated by a pale light emitting from Kai's room. You sighed, and then knocked a few times.

Seconds later, the door opened, and a shirtless Kai Parker stood in front of you. Your eyes darted down to the floor and you blushed. "Uhm- Sorry, if I woke you up... I just- I can't sleep and-" He interrupted you.

"That's alright. Come in." He smiled and you followed his orders. "When I first got here I couldn't sleep much either, I didn't really have anyone to help me out though." He laughed, but you frowned. "That must have been-"

"Terrible? Awful? I know. But now we have each other, right?" A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. "Yeah." You yawned.

You sat on his bed as he did the same. The room went silent for a minute. "You can stay if that's what you're thinking." He announced, breaking the awkward silence. "Oh, thanks- But I don't want to be a bother." You started to stand up, but he grabbed your arm.

You turned to face him. He gave you a sincere smile. You laid back down on the bed.

"That's your side, this is mine." You demanded. He threw his hands up in the air sarcastically. "Got it." He smirked.

You pulled the blankets over you and faced the opposite way from Kai. You felt safer already. It was strange. You just met Kai less than two weeks ago, but you felt like you could trust him with your life.

"Goodnight." You yawned before drifting off to sleep.

~ In the morning ~

You opened your eyes slowly, blinking a few times. You tried to move, but Kai had his arms wrapped around you like he was holding a baby. You smiled, and then carefully unwrapped them. You stood up to stretch and Kai stirred awake.

"Morning, beautiful." You flashed him a dirty look that put him in his place. "Right." He pressed his lips into a thin line. He stood up awkwardly and put his shirt back on. "I'm gonna go make breakfast." And with that, he walked out of the room.

You sighed and fixed the covers on the bed.

The feeling of Kai holding you was almost euphoric, and you missed it already.

The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the room. You smiled to yourself and walked into the kitchen.

You went to the fridge and pulled out a blood bag. "O positive. Yum." You joked and turned around. You ran straight into Kai. Pancake batter splattered everywhere, including all over your face, and you dropped your blood bag on the floor.

Kai started laughing, but you didn't find it very funny. You were now a pancake batter-covered mess with one less blood bag.

"Seriously?" You gasped, wiping the batter off your face. Kai struggled to speak. "I- You- I can't-" He was laughing so hard you couldn't help but do the same. "I'm gonna get you back for that." you spat, faking anger.

"Yeah yeah- Go clean that off." A sly smile painted his face and you scoffed, walking out of the kitchen and to the bathroom giggling. 


Authors note: Any reccomedations of what you guys would like to see in the next part would be greatly appreciated, and as always feel free to vote and comment if you like this story! 

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