Part 6 ~ Close Call

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Warnings: Minor swearing/violence?

Word count: Around 830

Authors note ~ Let me know what you think about this part! Feel free to vote and comment :)


You sat in your bed reading a new book that Kai had gotten you a couple of days ago. You heard your door creak open. You turned around, smiling.

"I should really fix that." Kai smiled. "Yeah, you probably should." You joked, putting your book down and stretching.

"I'll be back in an hour. I need to get some shopping done." He kissed the top of your head, causing you to blush. "Alright. And- Grab another bag of gummy bears? The ones I had last time." He nodded, walking out of the room and shutting the squeaky door behind him.

A little time had passed and you felt yourself growing hungry. You walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen.

You grabbed a blood bag from the fridge and turned around, running straight into someone.

"SON OF A BITCH! AGAIN KAI?" You looked up.

Your brother, Stefan, stood in front of you. "Why are you here?" You growled, picking up your blood bag. "I'm bringing you back home. Come on." He grabbed your arm and started to walk with you.

"I'm not leaving without Kai." You scoffed, pulling away from him. "We need to go, (Y/N). I can only be here for a couple of hours. Time is running short."

"I'M NOT LEAVING HIM!" You yelled, pinning your brother against the wall. Stefan pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Okay. We're gonna have to do this the hard way then."

Everything around you started to fade away as he quickly snapped your neck.

~ A little while later ~

You slowly opened your eyes, regaining consciousness. As your senses came back to you, you started to panic. You sat up, the floor beneath you cold.

"No... No no no no!" You whisper yelled, frantically trying to untie the ropes that wrapped your wrists together. Leaves crunched slightly underneath you.

You tried your hardest to listen in on your brother's conversation with someone who you assumed was Bonnie, the Bennett witch that put you here in the first place.

"She mentioned Kai. She said she wouldn't leave here without him." Stefan explained. "Kai? Why would she- Goddammit." Bonnie sighed. "You know how she gets when she's upset Bonnie. Do a spell or something. Find him and bring him here."

"No- Absolutely not. Klaus' orders were to bring her back. That's my job." Bonnie yelled.

"If we force her to leave here without Kai, she will retaliate. You know that."

"I'm sorry, Stefan. I'm not letting Kai out of here." Bonnie walked away, leaving only you and your brother.

Stefan walked over to you, untying your arms. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He apologized sincerely, throwing the ropes to the side. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes.

You promised Kai that if someone ever came back for you, that you wouldn't leave him behind. Now you were being forced to break it. Having each other was the only thing that made it possible for both of you to have hope. Hope that maybe one day you would have the chance to go home. Hope that maybe the people that you had wronged would forgive you and you could move on. But now you were leaving Kai all alone again, hopeless.

"I can't leave without him, Stef. I- Please don't make me leave!" Stefan sighed, trying his hardest to remain calm. "Klaus will kill us if we don't bring you back. Bonnie refuses to bring Kai with. This is the way it has to be, (Y/N)."

"BULLSHIT!" You screamed through tears. "YOU'RE A LIAR!"

Stefan ignored you, his patience running thin.

"I will never forgive you for this." You spat, redirecting your gaze to Bonnie, who was walking up to Stefan.

"It's time." She announced, pulling a few things out of her backpack.

Bonnie cut into her palm and pulled out the ascendant. Stefan grabbed onto you, dragging you to the center of the dark cave.

"LET GO OF ME! NO! STEFAN!" You screamed, trying your hardest to wiggle away from him. You were sobbing and begging him to just let you go. As much as Stefan hated to see you like this, he didn't even want to think about what Klaus might do if they returned to him empty-handed.


Bonnie started to chant the spell. The ascendant started to open up. You looked around for any sign of the young siphon.

"KAI!" You shouted, praying that he would show up. You heard footsteps from the tunnel behind you. Stefan spun around, his grip on you loosening just a little due to the distraction.

Kai stood about 50 feet away, tears in his eyes. "No... (Y/N)! NO!" He screamed, running straight towards you.

Stefan looked at Bonnie, silently telling her to hurry up. You were able to get one of your hands free without your brother noticing. Just as you grabbed Kai's hand, everything went dark.

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