Gally Imagine

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Hey people!!

So, Gally is usually pinned with being the 'bad guy', so I figured I should do a good imagine of him. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I had track practice which ended at 6:30, then my teachers decided to give me a lot of homework yesterday.... So ya. I know that's not an excuse, but thank you for reading!!!


"Y/N! Come here!" I hear Newt yell. Ugh, what does he want now. Last time he called me, he looked at me all sweetly, then asked me to go get some more fertilizer.

I jog over to him, and stand in front of him with my hands on my hips. Minho would be proud.

"What's up Newt?" I ask.
All he does is smile, and hands me a sheet of paper. "Clue number one. Have fun shank." He says, then gets back to work.

I walk away and look at the paper.

Dear Y/N,

I hope this clue will be of some use to you.
For the next, go to the place where we first met.


I start laughing. This is what Gally's been up to. He's been a little out of it for the past few days.

'The place where we first met... Oh! The Box!' I silently celebrate over my little win, then I go over to the Box.

I look around, and sitting on the close Box is another clue, with a rock placed on it.

I take the rock off and pick up the note.


Good job on finding the second clue, I know this was kinda out of the blue.
To find the third, it's kind of easy, find the newest Glader.


This one is easy. The newest Glader is Chuck. Knowing him, he's probably gonna make it hard to get. Maybe Gally told him not to though.

After searching for Chuck for a while, I see him peek out of a bush and starts to run away.

"Oh no you don't Chuck!" I yell after him.

I race after him, reaching him quickly. He hands me the clue with a smirk on his face, then runs off again. I chuckle.


This is the last clue. All you have to do is go to the place we always go together.
I love you.


This one makes me smile. I know exactly where he wants me to go.

I climb up the ladder to the Lookout, peering over the edge to see candles and a blanket laid out with a ton of food and flowers.

And in the middle of it is Gally.

I climb the rest of the way up and run to Gally, kissing him.

"Thank you!" I say excitedly.

"I love you Y/N. You're welcome." He smiles at me.

I smile back. "And I love you."

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