Gift He Makes You in the Glade

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Thomas: Thomas would make a ring out of twine and grass, as a symbol that he will always protect you and that he will get you out of the Maze.

Newt: Newt, being the cutie that he is, would make you a little bracelet with some pretty ribbon that he asked the Creators for. Lucky him, they actually listened and sent it up in the Box.

Gally: Captain Gally, being a builder, would build you anything you wanted. The thing you most like that he made you, would be a cute little animal he made out of wood. It's cute because even though he's a builder, you can't really tell what animal it is.

Minho: Minho would pick a lot of flowers, ignoring a lot of snarky comments from the other Gladers, and somehow tie them together to make you a beautiful crown because, in Minho's words, "You are a princess, and you deserve to be treated like one."

Hey guys!!!

What's up?

Okay, so I'm flipping out because I just found out I am on Varsity track for my school, and I'm running the flipping two mile!!!!! Like, ohmigosh!!! Ugh!!! How am I going to survive this track season?!!? If any of you have some advice for me on how to run a good 3200m race, please tell me. I hate disappointing people, especially my parents and coaches.

Thank you guys so much for reading and for listening to my ranting!!


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