Minho Imagine

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Today, I was waiting for my boyfriend, Minho, to come back from his run. In the Maze of course.

I decided to do something useful, so I went to go help Newt in the gardens. He needed some more fertilizer, and asked if I'd go get it.

So walking along the crunchy leaves, in the dark woods. Yep, nothing bass gonna happen. I still kept my dagger strapped to my pants though.

I was starting to daze out a little, daydreaming about nothing, when a clammy hand covered my mouth.

I immediately panicked and went for my dagger, until the person traveled themselves.

"You're really gonna stab your boyfriend?" Oh my god! Minho!

I whip around and playfully punch him. "Hey! You didn't need to scare me like that Minho!"

He smirks and steals a kiss, making me blush.

"When did you get back?" I ask.

"Just now, I wanted to come see you first thing." I smile at him.

"Aww! Thanks Minho. But next time, be a little less creeper on me."

He smiles and raises his arm to do s mock salute. "Whatever you want shank."

This time, I fake glare at him, and give him a kiss.

Now it's his turn to blush.

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