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Lift this weight off my chest.

If Alivia heard another snarky remark she might lose her mind. Finnick had been trying to teach them all morning and, for some reason, Katniss and Finnick kept being at each other's throats.

At some point, Alivia and Peeta just fell to the sidelines of their piss contest. Alivia was no master of the trident but at least could teach Peeta to hold it correctly and spin it.

"I'm sorry," Peeta ducked his head. "I wish I could say she isn't always like this but Katniss isn't exactly the most sociable person. She isn't very keen on having allies either."

Despite his apologies, Peeta's eyes were still filled with adoration as he watched Katniss learn skillfully by Finnick's side. Seeing love like that was extremely frustrating; like when she was a child and used to try to keep as much water in her hands as she could and it still leaked between her fingers. She could still see the water, crystal clear, but no matter how much she tried, Alivia could never hold the water in place.

"It's alright, Finnick can get a little bit too... excited."

Peeta snorted. "Yeah, that's the word."

"I practiced yesterday, by the way, what you taught me. The dessert had some sort of berry juice."

"Oh, no way? How did it go?"

"Eh, it was decent. Mags thought I hit myself or something."

Peeta laughed. "Well, it's something. You gotta be careful out there, though. Make sure those berries aren't poisonous if they are going to be anywhere near your mouth. Some insects are good for camouflage as well, I believe some kind of beetle but I'm not certain."

Another snarky remark flew past their heads.

"I guess now that we are allies it'll be easier to help you in the arena." Alivia hummed, she hoped they didn't need to get to that point. "They've actually been serving some type of edible flower at lunch, those are good too. I would invite you to our table but I don't think these two will be at peace."

"Ah, don't worry. I appreciate the advice."

They both turned to a shink sound. Katniss was wielding the trident but Finnick was instructing her to do something he'd told Alivia specifically not to do. Peeta looked impressed, actual sparkles in his eyes as she watched Katniss master yet another weapon.

"Hey, bread boy. Time to spar!"

With an exaggerated motion and way too much mockery, Finnick pointed out the way.

"After you," he said with humor.

Katniss rolled her eyes but walked with Peeta by her side towards the closed training room, the one where she'd impressed everyone with her skills the day before. Alivia slowed down her pace, to match Finnick's.

"I thought you said we weren't supposed to hold the trident like that," she murmured.

"We got to have the upperhand somehow, don't we?" He smiled mischievously. "Don't worry, if they are smart enough they'll figure it out soon... or not."

At the entrance, they all hung awkwardly while Finnick skimmed through the settings humming.

"Who's going to be first?"

"Alivia?" Peeta asked.

"Perfect! Let's give them a demonstration."

Alivia hesitated but grabbed the hand Finnick was offering. Finnick understood Peeta's invitation to Alivia perfectly. Peeta wanted to spar with Alivia. It made sense, after all, the experts were supposed to be them. Still, Finnick chose to appear oblivious and set them aside for a while. It was time to have some fun.

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