CHAPTER 9 - Chazuke

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

"You two shut up! I'm going!" Kunikida scolded us as he went out.

"Wait! He's gonna die!" I whisper-yelled.

"He'll be fine!" Dazai cheerfully stated as I looked over to the scene.

"Stay away! I only want to see the President! If you do anything funny, I'll blow this up!" The Bomber said as his thumb was close to the button.

"I got it," Kunikida said he raises both his hands up.

"I know who you are. You're Kunikida! I bet you're trying to lower my guard and use that annoying ability of yours! Well, not gonna happen" The bomber said in an annoyed tone, "Get up on the desk on all fours and keep both hands where I can see them!"

"What?" Kunikida said.

"If you don't do as I say, we're all going to hell!" The bomber commands Kunikida.

'WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!' I thought as tears fell down.

Kunikida sighs as he went onto the desk and does as the bomber has told him.

"This is bad..." Dazai started. "Because of his grudge against the Agency, he knows the names and faces of the employees. If I go, as an employee, it'll only make him angrier. Hmm... What should we do?" He said as he looks down as he then looks at me and Atsushi.

I then tensed up same goes for Atsushi.

'I just got a really bad feeling...' I thought as I looked at Dazai.

" Y/n...?" He said as he did a weird expression and creepily smiled.

"I don't want to!" I said as I sweat nervously.

"Same goes for me!" Atsushi said.

"I haven't said anything yet."

"We already know what you're gonna say," Atsushi says.

"Listen to me Atsushi, Y/n" He started. "You two are the only ones who are not a formal member and the bomber doesn't know."

"But... Even if I do go, there is nothing I can do! I'm useless" I said as I sighed out.

"It's Okay, we need to distract him a little bit, we'll do the rest," Dazai said.

"Atsushi-kun! You go distract him! I'll be the backup if the distraction doesn't work" I said as I was still shaking from fear, "And plus... My legs won't move! My fear has taken over by 98 percent! and the last 2 percent is the reason why I'm still talking to you right now!" I said as tears fell.

"And Atsushi, knowing you, why don't you put an off-putting act being a worthless human being?" Dazai said as he went over to Atsushi and holds out a bunch of newspapers. "Here are some props," He said as he hands it over to Atsushi.

"Stop it!" Atsushi started as he stands there nervously as all of the Agency's employees looked at him. "What do you think you can do here? I think your parents will cry if they saw this..." Atsushi said as he stutters a little afterward.

"Who the hell are you!!?" The bomber said as he starts to get angrier.

"Sorry!" Atsushi apologizes as he fell down on his butt with a thud.

"Huh? You're not with the Agency...?" The bomber asks as I checked that the remote for the bomb.

"As you can see! I-I'm just a Newspaper delivery boy! Who happened to pass by!" Atsushi nervously said as he shows the newspapers in his hands as his hands are shaking.

"What does a delivery boy have to do with this?"

"No matter how much you hate them, it's not good to take hostages or use bombs. I'm sure there is something worth living for," Atsushi said as he stands up.

"Like what? What's something to live for?" The bomber asks as Atsushi just stood there as he completely doesn't know what to say.

'Wait... Did you just start that without even finishing it? ATSUSHI!!! WHY!!! IM GONNA DIE!' I thought as I quietly panicked as there was a pause for a second as Atsushi was now sweating nervously even more.

"Ther is always Chazuke!" Atsushi yelled as the bomber stops his move. "You can eat lots of Chazuke! You can sleep in a place with a roof, and then you can wake up to a new day! Of course, every day is a new day! But... If you blow it up... Both you and I will never see another day... Because we'll be dead" Atsushi said as he glared at the man at his last sentence.

"I know that!"

"What!? Umm... I think you should think about it. If you die you'll really be dead. Sometimes you might wish you were dead, but there are people who keep living even if things are tough. Hey, like me! I have no family, friends. I even got chased out of the orphanage, I have nowhere to go and no hope for the future" Atsushi said as the bomber sweatdrops.

"Yeah, that's right. It's true that I don't have redeeming qualities, and I'm the scum of society. BUT I STILL KEEP ON LIVING WITHOUT GOING CRAZY!" Atsushi yelled as he has tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Nice Atsushi" Dazai said beside me.

"Yes... He looks like he is scolding him" I mutter.

"So why don't you throw away your bomb and we can start looking for work?" Atsushi said as he scolded the bomber.

"N-No I'm not exactly looking for a job..." The bomber said as his finger was very close to the button.

"Now Kunikida!" Dazai yelled.

"I know!" Kunikida said as he took out his notebook as he writes on it. "Ability: Doppo Poet! Wire gun!" He said as he ripped off the written page as a mint green bright light surround the ripped page, the paper then turned into a what he says... A freaking Wire gun!

"SHIT!" The bomber cursed as Kunikida aims and shoots the wire gun in the bomber's hands as he lets go of the remote.

"Get him, Kunikida!" Dazai yelled.

"Like I already said, I know!" Kunikida yelled as he grabs the bomber's shirt and throws him on the ground as he took the bomber's arm and placed them behind his back.

"One down! All right, good job everyone!" Dazai said in his cheerful tone as he went to Kunikida.

I sighed in relief as I went over to Atsushi and ask if he was fine or did he get hurt.

"One down you say?" Kunikida started. "Now, Secure him! You both aren't doing anything" Kunikida ordered Atsushi,

"What choice do I have? After all, Kunikida... you lost at rock-paper-scissors." Dazai said with a mischievous smile.

"Tsk. You Bastard..." Kunikida said with an annoyed tone.

"Oh well, we solved the incident, so it's all good!" Dazai said.

"I didn't even do anything... heh, I'm so useless," I said as I looked down as Dazai tells Kunikida that 'If you're too neurotic, you'll get wrinkles and age faster' and he tells him to 'Takedown notes'

"It's a lie," Dazai said as Kudikida kicks him, the bomber was now unguarded as the bomber stood up and takes the remote from Kunikida.

"All of you! Stop making fun of me! I swear if anyone gifted with supernatural powers is messed up inside..." He says with a psychotic look on his face as he pressed the button as the bomb starts a countdown from 30 seconds...

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