Chapter 1: The plan

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"Ashoka?.............Ashoka?............... My lady?........."
Ashoka slowly opened her eyes to see Maul sitting next to her on the bed rubbing her side..... "mmmmm morning Maul, what do you have in your hand." .............Maul moved the tray to set it down next to Ashoka. "Its bone broth bread and some jerky."..... Ashoka smiled and pushed herself up in a sitting position.... " thats sweet thanks my love." Ashoka watched as Mauls gaze softened and his expression melted as the words left her mouth..... "Im trying my lady..... this is still new for me." .......Ashoka smiled "i know you are Maul....... I understand it will take you time."...... Maul smiled and kissed Ashoka on the forehead. "I probably will still always be murderous but you will help keep me from always acting out."....... Ashoka giggled "I can think of a few ways.".......... Maul chuckled and raised his eye brow "yes my lady, yes you can...... Now eat up and as much as i hate saying it.... put some clothes on Assaj has things she wants to discuss with you."........Ashoka blushed "yes of course."....... Maul picked up the two half's of his saber and clipped them to his belt..... Ashoka watched with intrigue .... Maul?...... so if one doesn't have a crystal since its on my ring why are you taking the other half?"..... Maul turned and looked at her..... I have stolen my fair share of sabers from others who tried to do dark sidious's dirty work. I will just take the kyber crystal out of one and put in my other saber....... but the one you have on your finger is the one I had since I was 17." ......Ashoka looked down at her hand and smiled "I will cherish this because it means something to you."..... Maul smirked "yes my lady it really does."......Maul sat down in the chair and watched Ashoka as she ate...... Ashoka smiled and looked over. "You can be so intense sometimes Maul..... not in a bad way tho."....... Maul chuckled "lady Tano I'm just waiting for the show to start...... since i have your clothes right here."..... Maul rested his hand on her folded clothes on a table next to him....... Ashoka closed her eyes and focused.... As soon as the clothes started to move Maul tightened his grip and chuckled "oh noo I dont think so my lady."..... Ashoka laughed and shrugged her shoulders"I figured id give it a shot."...... After Ashoka finished eating she set the tray next to her unwrapped herself from the blanket and stood up making her way towards Maul........Maul looked her up and down as she approached.... Ashoka stopped in front of Maul and put her hands on his knees before leaning in and bitting Mauls bottom lip..... Maul let out a low growl..... "Im glad I hung on to your clothes." Ashoka smiled and sat on Mauls lap facing him with her legs on either side of his..... "you know Maul you really shouldn't lose focus." Maul raised his eye brow as he looked at her confused........ Ashoka had the saber in her hand and lit the crimson blade between Maul and herself..... Maul gave a mischievous grin..... " don't threaten me with a good time Lady Tano."..... Ashoka smirked as the blade lit up Mauls face she felt Maul aggressively grab her ass..... "red is a good color for you my lady." .......Ashoka laughed and turned the saber off reconnecting it to Mauls belt "I prefer my white blades since my personality has enough color in it..... wouldn't wanna hide that would I?" She said with a playful smirk...... Maul Laughed "no my lady not at all"..... Maul handed the clothes to Ashoka with her still on his lap.... Ashoka started to put her shirt on as she reached up to slide it over her head she felt Maul kiss her breasts...... "mmm Maul.... that feels nice.".....Maul lifted his head and pulled her shirt the rest of the way down "and you taste nice my lady."....... Ashoka smiled and gave Maul a kiss before standing up and sliding into her leggings and putting her small armor plates on.....when she slid her arm armor on she smiled..... Maul gave her a look "whats wrong my lady?" Ashoka smiled and looked at Maul "This armor will always have more meaning now than it did before." Maul smiled "I should steal more of your things and hide stuff in it." Ashoka laughed "no no i like being able to have all my stuff and not have to go on a mission to find it.... now lets go see what big Venti wants." .....Maul laughed "big Venti, you and my brother enjoy teaming up on her thats for sure." Ashoka smiled and took Mauls hand "someone has to."..... The two both started walking through the cave when she saw Ventress and Feral standing around a table with a hologram map..... "what's going on Ventress?"........ "Ashoka! Good your up I found a world not listed in other star maps and its not far away.... with enough luck the empire has not been there and we can mask any signal we put out there....I thought we might be able to set up a temporary base, send out signals to any hiding, find them and then shit the base down and move again.... we must stay mobile and not rely too much in one spot or we will risk getting caught...... I have prepped my ship and was able to re wire a few things and figure out a way to mask its signal.....My idea is I am going to take a trip to that world with Feral scout it and come back."...... Maul interrupted Ventress " your not taking my brother." Feral walked over and put his hand on Maul "brother I know you just got me but im ready to do a mission, it will only make me stronger, besides Ventress survived all this too.... we need to be a team I can handle it."........ Maul stared at his brother for a moment. " very well then just be cautious." ...... Ventress continued laying out her plans as her voice faded in Ashoka's head.......... "Ashoka? Ashoka? Ashoka are you ok?" Ashoka snapped out of it and looked at Ventress " yea sorry i felt weird for a moment there.......but yes I agree I like this plan when are you two leaving?"........Ventress looked at Feral before looking back at Ashoka "we leave in a few hours..... what code name do we use if we find anyone?"..... Ashoka looked at Ventress "use Falcrom.... most will know what it means."

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