Chapter 2: The search

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Ashoka and Maul helped Ventress and Feral load the ship for their mission.... Ashoka graphics Assaj's arm "please promise me you will be careful and abort mission if you think an enemy has seen you....don't risk anything we don't have the man power or supplies right now." Ventress smiled and put one arm around Ashoka's neck facing her.... "Lady Tano I promise we will return." .....Ashoka smiled "ok good and keep an eye on Feral this will mark his first big adventure."...... Maul and Ashoka watched as Feral and Ventress boarded the ship and took off...... "My lady..... you seem off.... what's bothering you." Ashoka turned and looked at Maul "to be honest I don't know yet I feel a little strange.... Maybe we should go explore there might be survivors here but we don't know it." Maul smiled at her "we can have a look around but are you sure your up for it?"..... Ashoka took Mauls hand "yes I think I just need something to do..... Maul nodded and grabbed his speeder  " hop on and we will go look."...... with the two of them on the speeder they took off to have a look around..... an hour out Ashoka felt Maul slow the bike "I sense something here..... someone.... but I dont see anything...." Ashoka closed her eyes ..... "over there to the right i thinks its over there." ....Maul turned the speeder in the direction and stopped when he finally came to a flat spot open in the field "this is strange for a spot to be like this on Dathomir" Ashoka hopped off the bike and started walking around where she came up to a huge boulder...... "Maul help me move this." The pair stood back and focused the force to move the boulder out of the way. Once moved they saw a small opening in the ground just enough for someone to fit in...... Ash looked at Maul "come on lets go down and look." Maul followed as Ashoka hopped into the hole landing on the ground below .... Maul followed..... Ashoka pulled out both her sabers and ignited there white blades so she could see..... "Maul what is this?" ..... Maul looked around "I dont know Ashoka but it appears someone created theses tunnels to hide..... we should be cautious."....... Both Maul and Ashoka continued thru the tunnels carefully looking around to make sure they weren't ambushed.....Maul closed his eyes and focused...... "ASHOKA LOOK OUT!!!" Ashoka dropped herself flat to the ground as an arrow came flying by... Maul growled angrily pulling his saber from his belt and sprinted in the direction. Maul saw the faint silhouette of a shadow he reached out pulling at it with the force... Ashoka called out "MAUL WAIT!!." By then Maul had flung the silhouette to the ground and it rolled towards Maul. Ashoka approached quickly where she saw the silhouette lying on the ground and used her blades to illuminate it....." Maul gasped in shock.... "Brother Viscus??"...... confused Ashoka looked at Maul " blood brother or tribe?" Maul looked at Ashoka " tribe brother.... but I didn't think anyone was left."..... Maul extended his hand for Viscus to help him up.... Viscus spoke up " only about twenty five of us left now..... your Mother came to me in her magic form and told me to gather everyone and hide.... she showed me a secret under ground cave where we would be safe from Grievous's troops...... Maul.... I cant believe its really you.... you were ..... you were only a child the last time I saw you.... about 7 years old...."... Ashoka's eyes widened " you knew Maul as a child?".... Viscus looked at Ashoka "yes,yes not very often A Zabrak is born with red skin.... they are very rare usually the colors are yellow, orange, tan, or brown and red being the rarest....... you... you are a Togruta... not used to seeing your species.... you usually stay on your world around your people...... judging by those sabers though you must be a Jedi......You may call me Viscus my lady"......Ashoka's eyes drifted "Not any more I left the order... I do not have allegiance to either side other than to do what is right..... and my name is Ashoka by the way nice to meet you." ......Viscus smiled well you are a welcome presence here it is nice to see someone not trying to eliminate us."...... Maul placed his hand on Viscus's shoulder "Where are the rest of my people?"...... Viscus headed in the original direction Maul and Ashoka we're headed.... "This way my brother..... they will be happy to see you Maul.... you are after all the heir to Dathomir... our true leader.".... Ashoka looked over at Maul " the heir?".... Maul sighed " yes my Lady since mother is no more I am the son of Dathomir its rightful ruler like my mother before me was." ....... The three walked through the tunnels before they came to an entrance of a large room lit up  where all the Zabraks were... They all turned and looked seeing Viscus enter..... when Viscus moved aside exposing Maul all the Zabraks stood up and fell silent as they saw Maul......... A voice cried out from the group " Viscus is that really him??.... the son of Dathomir?" Viscus responded "yes everyone it is Maul our rightful leader..... now stop staring and get these two some food and and something to drink." ...Quickly the group dispersed and started getting to work.....Ashoka's ring caught Viscus's eyes. " Maul... is she your betrothed?.... she defeated you in battle?" Ashoka laughed " yes and yes but thats not the reason.".......Maul rolled his eyes we were enemies once but we continued to be connected by the the force and well long story short a little over a year she is mine."..... Viscus smiled at Ashoka " Zabraks love strong women especially the ones who make an attempt on your life.... for you to catch Mauls attention you must be special." Ashoka giggled I must be since he's not sick of me yet." She said as she winked at Maul..... Maul rolled his eyes again before wrapping his arm around Ashoka " she's alright." He said with a smile.... Ashoka looked around at all the Zabraks that were left, then she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen she let out a squeak and placed one of her arms on her lower abdomen "ouch" she whispered. Maul looked at her with concern "Lady Tano are you alright?" .......Ashoka squeezed Mauls hand that was draped over her shoulder. "Yes I think I just need to lay down." Maul scooped her up and Viscus showed him to a bed "here she can rest here.... ill be with the others make sure shes ok." Maul sat in a chair next to Ashoka's bed " I will thank you brother.......... My lady are you doing ok?" .... Ashoka smiled " yes I just think because I keep having bad dreams im not sleeping as well as I should." Maul squeezed her hand " ok well try to get some rest right now... ill sit right here until you wake up."..... Ashoka kissed Mauls hand " thank you my love."

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