Chapter 7: Mission Day Part 1

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******* warning has sexual references ******* (not that you all dont know by now ;) )

Three weeks flew by Ahsoka stood in front of the bedroom mirror naked running her hands along her tummy, she smiled as she felt the small pouch start to form. Maul came up behind Ahsoka pulling her hips into his, Ahsoka let out a faint moan as she felt his naked body against hers "Maul... are you going to last 9 months without sex?" Maul smirked looking at his reflection holding her naked body in the mirror. " my lady its only about 7 now and I can be gentle.....I dont have to be all the way inside you...... your so tight... and you have a mouth...... and i can still pleasure you." Ahsoka immediately turned pink on her cheeks "MAUL!!! your horrible.......... but... im.... kinda up for it." Maul gave Ahsoka an animalistic growl into her lukke "good... because I wasn't asking."

Ahsoka turned around her eyes meeting Mauls only inches apart from his face as she reached down with one hand and clutched him aggressively. Maul flinched slightly his stomach muscles flexing as he wasn't ready for her move. Ahsoka stretched her neck upward kissing Maul bitting his lip and pulling away slightly and whispered " I have hands too Maul I can always use those." .....Maul let out a quiet growl of a chuckle "careful my lady.... you will lose this battle." Ahsoka smiled "we will see my love." Maul went to his knees as he began rubbing Ahsoka's belly as a small chuckle left his mouth "Ahsoka, you look bloated, as if you ate too much food." Ahsoka smiled and ran her hand along Mauls head between his horns before slightly grasping his horn just above his ear and giggled." I know... right now i just look like a fatty" Maul smiled and kissed her tummy " but its cute...... I have a mini me growing in there.... my son...... our son.....and I couldn't ask for a better mother to raise him."

Ahsoka smiled at Maul who was now looking up at her "Maul.... I see why you like people bowing before you... makes you feel powerful." She said with sarcasm in her voice........ Maul rolled his eyes before nudging her tummy with his nose and looking back at Ahsoka " because your my queen."..... Ahsoka rolled her eyes "Maul...... i know your stalling me.... you want me to forget about checking out that new base, but I have to.".... Maul sighed and stood up "I know my lady thats why im going with you Assaj, Rafa, and trace can keep things under control here... Feral will go with us." Maul pulled his briefs and pants on before wrapping his robe around himself..... He smiled and grabbed Ahsoka's clothes and set them on the dresser next to her....... "Ahsoka wait." Ahsoka paused as she reached for her clothes.

Maul walked up and ran his hands along her breasts and up to her throat before running one hand along her face..... " I just wanted to admire your beauty." Maul kissed her forehead and grabbed her top off the dresser " my lady I had Assaj change some things in your top..... it has a built in sports bra with padding so that way when your breasts start to hurt this is at least comfortable.".... Ahsoka smiled as she watched Maul flip it inside out to show her "Maul.......thats so sweet." Maul rolled the shirt in his hands and stretched it "lift your arms my lady." Ahsoka lifted her arms and Maul slid her top on pulling it down " I have one more thing for you my lady." Maul opened the dresser to pull out a carefully folded robe. " I had this made too so you can cover yourself if your cold or if you want to hide your tummy."

Ahsoka smiled as Maul slid the robe behind her to put her arms though...... "Maul I love it." ........ Maul knelt down and picked Ahsoka up by her legs and set her on the dresser. " Ahsoka promise me if anything and I mean anything happens when we are out there we run..... Or at least you... I don't want anything happening to you or my son."......Ahsoka leaned in and kissed Mauls lips wrapping her arms around him.... " I promise my love."..... Maul smirked and returned the passionate kiss. " well then my lady we better get going before Assaj comes in pestering us about taking forever."

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