Chapter 8: Mission day Part 2

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Ahsoka and Maul made their way to the ship where Rafa and Trace were double checking things along the ship.... Rafa looked over at Maul and Ahsoka "wow Ahsoka is it that time of the month or did you eat to much your bloated woman!!" Trace's head snapped over to her sister "RAFA THATS RUDE!!!! WHATS A MATTER WITH YOU?...... ooooo maybe i did forget to tell you when we got here... Ventress told me she was pregnant.".... Maul snarled a little...Ahsoka interrupted before things spiraled.... "Rafa, im pregnant." ....... Rafa clutched her chest and spoke up " What in the galaxy!!! And your going on a mission??!!".... Maul raised an eyebrow " thats what i said" ... Rafa interjected "WAIT,WAIT,WAIT A MINUTE ......this means.... ima be an auntie oh my stars." Ahsoka couldn't help but laugh "don't worry I will be ok Maul and his brother are going I promise it will be quick." ...... Trace squealed in excitement and hugged Ahsoka her arms tightly wrapping around Ahsoka's neck "eeeeeeeeeee.... I know I already knew but im still super excited."..... Maul watched Trace intensely as Rafa spoke up... " Hey Trace I think your upsetting dad to be, maybe you should cool it."..... Ahsoka's eyes shifted to Maul " hun you wanna ease up on the intensity, save that energy in case we need it later." Maul sighed and closed his eyes regaining his composure..... Feral approached and slung his arm on Mauls shoulders... " you guys ready?" Ahsoka giggled "yes Feral we are"

The trio boarded the ship and started the engines. Feral sat in the pilot seat and Ahsoka sat in co-pilot seat and watched as Feral entered the coordinates. " Feral?.... it doesn't show anything on the map." Feral looked over to Ahsoka " that's precisely why we picked it."..... once in hyper space Feral went into the little kitchen on the ship. "You two hungry?" I brought fresh meat that I cooked and stored just last night I just have to warm it up " Ahsoka's eyes widened "oh my that sounds amazing Feral... lately thats all I want.".... Maul had a proud smile on his face when Ahsoka said those words.... Feral looked at Ahsoka and smiled "I figured this much....big Venti said being pregnant with a zabrak male makes them crave meat... a lot...".... Ahsoka raised a brow " how does she know? She doesn't have kids......" Feral giggled "no but shes seen the other sisters pregnant so she knows." Ashoka sighed "ahhh that makes sense."

Feral set down a full plate of perfectly cooked steaks in front of Ahsoka. " these 3 are yours." Ahsoka looked at Feral "I don't know if i can eat 3." Maul smiled at Ahsoka " you will my lady trust me."..... Ahsoka didn't even bother with fork and knife she just picked one up and started eating Maul chuckled as he watched Ahsoka "I thought you weren't THAT hungry." He said as Ahsoka finished the first and went for the second. Ahsoka paused for a second and looked at Maul with full cheeks " i might be" she mumbled...Feral just smiled as he gave Maul his plate of two steaks and feral sat down with his. Ahsoka finally went for the 3rd...... " ummmm Feral... I cant believe I just ate all of that.".... Maul chuckled and gave the other half of his second steak to Ahsoka " I know your still hungry."..... Ahsoka stared at it for a moment " nooo noo nope im good." Ahsoka got up and walked away. Feral looked at Maul ..."give her a minute.".... not even 30 seconds after Feral said the words Ahsoka walked back in and took the plate with the steak.. and started walking into the main cab. " shut up.... I don't wanna hear it.... MAUL KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF."... Maul and Feral laughed as Ahsoka walked away.

A few hours had passed and the three dropped from hyper space near a blue and white planet.... Feral began fiddling with the controls as they approached getting ready to land..... "You guys should grab some jackets in the back there its cold here." Ahsoka slipped on some warm pants and a warm jacket as Feral landed the ship...... Feral walked to the back and looked at his beacon.... " hey guys it's giving a notification.... theres a life form near by.".... Maul's head snapped over to Feral ..." what kind of life?" ....feral looked at Maul " its not large....its somewhat small maybe human like in size." ..Ahsoka grabbed her saber .." lets go have a look"... before Maul could protest Ahsoka was already walking out of the ship.... the two quickly followed.... Maul grabbed Ahsoka's hand "stay close to me my brother knows what he's looking for." Ahsoka smiled and rolled her eyes "Maul its ok".... Feral approached a small cave that was almost totally hidden to the naked eye due to its entrance going downward..... " Hey you two I sense a presence."....Ahsoka paused " I sense it too..... it's familiar."

Ahsoka quickly rushed to Feral igniting her sabers and Maul trailed... Ahsoka called out... "HELLO!! Is someone there?" Maul pulled his saber from his waist ready to ignite its blade......... A faint female voice called out "hello?... is it safe?" Ahsoka followed the voice " yes its safe this is Ahsoka...where are you?" The voice called out again now in a distinct accent Ahsoka remembered " Ahsoka!!!! Ahsoka!!!! Ahsoka!!! Your alive!!.... A blanket in the corner moved and exposed a sweet blue skinned woman who quickly approached Ashoka.... Ahsoka gasped " SENATOR CHUCHI!!" Maul and Feral looked at each other in confusion.....Ahsoka handed one of her blades to Maul and the other to Feral to keep the cave lit..... "Riyo Chuchi its really you... you survived the fall of the senate!"... Riyo smiled " barely Ahsoka... I escaped with my protocol droid who advised me to not return to Pantora based off of intell he received..... it was a race to escape and I have been bouncing around avoiding this new empire that has been taking everything over...... I received a transmission on a low frequency that my droid advised I use since the empire was operating on all others..... it pinged on occasion to update my next coordinates.... quite an intelligent move honestly it kept me searching for a bit.... unfortunately my ship malfunctioned my last jump to hyper space and I crash landed braking my arm and my droid is dead because he needs a charge."

Ahsoka wrapped her arms around Riyo " im happy to see another familiar face Riyo." Maul and his brother removed their hoods with Maul speaking first " do you trust this girl Ahsoka?" Ahsoka smiled "Riyo this is Maul and Feral I've been with them on Dathomir for about a year now." ....Riyo smiled " its lovely to meet you both."

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