Chapter 5: Old friends

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A few days had past Ashoka was out in the morning sun meditating as Morai flew above..... she listened to the trees and grass move with the wind and the animals making calls to each other in the distance... before long she heard the sound barrier in the atmosphere break she opened her eyes "MAUL.... MAUL THEIR BACK!!!"..... the ship landed near by and Ventress and Feral emerged from the ship with two people between them and fabric covering their heads... confused Ashoka stood up and rushed over "really Ventress I said rescue people not take hostages are you insane?"..... Ventress interrupted before Ashoka could say anymore "RELAX.... these two were a handful and fought me calling me a liar and tried to attack Feral so I cuffed them and bagged them so they'd chill out." Just as Ventress finished her sentence she pulled the fabric off of their heads...... Ashoka gasped "TRACE!!!!! RAFA!!!!..." the two girls squealed when they saw Ashoka...."ASHOKA!!!!!"

Feral rolled his eyes "I told you Assaj they knew her.... you were just to rough around the edges for them to believe you." Feral uncuffed the girls and they took off towards Ashoka almost tackling her to the ground with excitement tears starting to form in their eyes..... from a distance Maul saw the commotion and reacted quickly running towards them saber in hand "LET HER GO!!!" Ashoka quickly pushed them off  "WOW WOW MAUL RELAX!!, relax they know me nothing is happening..... its ok chill." Maul turned his saber off and hooked it to his belt " im sorry... things are just a little crazy right now.".....Rafa and Trace were frozen in fear Rafa spoke up "Ashoka you know this.... this man?"  Ventress scoffed "yea thats HER man."  Ashoka put her palm to her face "Ventress shut up........ yes.... Trace, Rafa this is Maul he is my betrothed.... we have been on this planet a little longer than a year now just hiding...... you see Feral over there thats Mauls brother.....Assaj Ventress was a sith apprentice then a bounty hunter she is the reason why I escaped a false alligation against me when the Jedi order accused me of  a crime I didn't commit.... thus leading me to leave the order later on..... Maul helped me escape order sixty six at the time unwillingly and I can say the same for him..... Feral was supposed to be dead but crazy ass witches put him in a box on life support...... Maul, Feral, Ventress, This is Trace and Rafa they helped me after I left the jedi order... I did a few missions with them and helped them repair some ships and droids they are the reason I ran into Bokatan in the first place this leading me to mandalore where I met Maul......... THERE were all caught up now."..... Rafa spoke up " wait Maul?? Isnt he supposed to be some dangerous sith lord that the republic was chasing?" Ashoka put her hand on her shoulder not anymore.... he has no allegiance just like all of us now."

Ventress looked over towards the cave "hey is that Viscus?" Maul looked at Ventress "yes it is mother Talzin went to him and told them to go into hiding after grievous attacked this world..... some are here at the cave and the majority of them are back in the village." Ashoka gave both Trace and Raft another hug "Im so glad to see you guys again I apologize for Assaj's behavior but you are here safe and thats what matters... go make yourselves at home lunch should be ready soon." ..... Rafa and Trace both smiled at Ashoka with Trace speaking up "Thank you Ashoka... thank you for what ever you guys were doing that found us because we really have no one else." Ashoka smiled its no problem and I know the feeling..... you guys can help me with ships and stuff as I build a rebellion against the empire." As the two began heading towards the cave Ventress approached Maul "why are you so edgy..... more than normal?" Maul rolled his eyes at Ventress i wasn't sure what was happening ."Feral approached Ashoka as the other two were speaking and gave her a hug before pulling back and giving her a curious look "Assaj.... ASSAJ..... I know why Maul is more on edge....." Ventress gave Feral a look " well spit it out boy.".... Feral looked at Ventress "she's pregnant..... Ashoka is pregnant." Ashoka smiled and looked at Maul "I told you he'd guess first.".... Ventress looked at Maul "are you kidding me right now.... we were gone 4 days, not even like three and a half.... and you went and got her pregnant?" Maul rolled his eyes "Assaj shes four weeks pregnant not 4 days calm down."

Feral laughed and looked at Ventress"weren't you the one who was encouraging this relationship?.... I mean isn't that kinda what happens?" Ventress sighed yea I just never knew this was going to happen this soon I mean or even knew it was possible since you know, the whole accident thing."Maul raised his brow at Ventress "well it happened and we know its a boy..... both of us saw him"........Ventress looked intrigued "what do you mean you saw him?" Ashoka interrupted "Maul touched my stomach and saw me holding a little boy that almost looked like Him, when I was seeing him I at first thought i was seeing young maul until in my vision Maul came around the corner and I was still holding the little boy's hand... Then a few days ago I wasn't feel really well and we had the medical droid run tests on me and no we are here."..... Ventress walked up and put her hand on Ashoka's shoulder.... "by the way I found you a place for a base its where I found these two alone no one else there. Its off the maps to help make this easier too." Ashoka smiled thank you Assaj, just please be a little more diplomatic if you can I know Rafa and Trace probably put up a fight but I doubt others really will if your offering them hiding from the empire." Ventress chuckled "will do lady Tano or at least ill try."

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