Chapter 11: Father

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Hey guys im so sorry this took so long i had a whole bunch of real life stuff going on and was frustrated i couldn't get this done sooner but thank you for your patience :)

Once Ahsoka and Viscus were back to the cave, she approached Maul "Maul you look so serious right now.... are you ok" Maul gave Ahsoka a small smirk yes my lady , i am... what did brother Viscus have to say to you?" Ahsoka thought quick on her feet " not too much maul he was just telling me a little about dathomir and the tribe." Maul gave Ahsoka a curious look as he sensed She wasn't telling him everything. Ahsoka rolled her eyes and smiled " really, my love it's nothing just some friendly chit chat is all...... but i do want to go lay down will you come with me?" Maul nodded as he took Ahsoka's hand "of course my lady."

Once Ahsoka and Maul got to the room Maul swooped up Ahsoka off her feet and into his arms. He quickly pressed his forehead into hers and leaned in bitting her lip "My lady........I don't like when I'm lied to...... I can tell your hiding something." Ahsoka rolled her eyes "ok Maul set me down and I will explain everything under one condition.........." Maul gave Ahsoka a curious look with a raised eyebrow. "Ok my lady only for you." Maul gently set Ahsoka on the bed before sitting in the chair next to the bed. He held her hand and caressed her face with the other eagerly waiting for her to speak. Ahsoka smiled before a serious look fell over her face. "Maul........ you have to promise me you can hold your temper for this."

Maul narrowed his eyes at Ahsoka as he felt her energy shift. "My lady what do you mean?....... Hold my temper?......... What is going on?" Ahsoka sighed "Maul promise me please just this once i need you to not be you." Maul looked down at Ahsoka's hand in his before she pulled it to her stomach. "Please Maul, I know its not natural for you but just for this instance." Mauls face softened as he looked at Ahsoka's tummy feeling his son's energy below his hand. Maul looked at Ahsoka this time with calmer eyes "I promise my lady."

Ahsoka took a deep breath and smiled "what do you know about your father Maul?" Maul gave Ahsoka a confused look. "I dont know anything of him at all..... My time was only spent with my mother and the other witches.... I have seen the other Zabraks but I never thought anything of it...... why do
You ask?" Ahsoka squeezed Mauls hand "what if he was still alive?....... Would you resent him?" Maul thought for a moment, Ahsoka could feel his conflict within him but not quite anger. Maul looked back at Ahsoka. "My Lady Im not entirely sure how I would feel about knowing my father was alive, I think od want to know why he never looked for me or tried to reach out to me."

Ahsoka picked up Mauls hand and kissed it gently "Maul...... you know the men here are subservient to the witches...... they listen and don't ask questions..... thats how feral and savage ended up in the situations they did.....granted if it wasn't for savage you would have never been saved from the depths of that cave." Maul interrupted Ahsoka "What if it was better I stayed in that cave far far away from everyone and everything.......I wouldn't have caused so much pain and despair during the war."

Ahsoka's gaze softened as she saw a side if Maul that was completely the opposite of his personality. A deeper vulnerability that she had never seen from him. Ahsoka sat up got out of bed and sat in Mauls lap facing him as her legs straddled his. She ran her hands along his horns before they slid down and held Mauls face up to look at her. "As i was saying before you interrupted Maul, everyone deserves redemption and everyone deserves a second chance, you may have done horrible things in the past but you have come so far. You had no control of your mind or your emotions despite what you may believe......... you were a tool Maul, and Sidious suppressed your powers.... He knew you were a threat to him so he only taught you so much."

Ahsoka kissed Maul's forehead before she looked back into his eyes "Maul you father is alive and I know who it's Viscus...... Talzin wanted to keep him as the leader of the Zabraks so long as he produced strong and powerful children...... its why he's alive and the eldest of the Zabraks its the witches tradition to kill the men after procreating. Mauls eyes darted back and forth as he was trying to process what Ahsoka just told him "Viscus is my Father?" Ahsoka ran her thumb across his cheek "yes Maul."

Maul picked Ahsoka up off his lap and stood up and looked deep into Ahsoka's eyes "Is this what he told you away from the cave?? Why didn't he twll me himself." Ahsoka quickly interrupted "Maul do
You blame him? You are incredibly powerful and to be honest you can be quite menacing and stand offish your labeled Son of Dathomir and Talzins favorite. I doubt he wanted to step on your toes whatsoever, besides i told him i would tell you instead." Maul had confusion all over his face as his emotions rushed through him. Ahsoka wrapped her arms around his neck. "Maul you have to promise me you won't harm him I know this is a lot to take in."

Maul looked at Ahsoka before letting out a low growl "My lady i want to hear it from him." Quickly and effortlessly Maul began walking towards the front of the cave and Ahsoka quickly followed "Maul please dont hurt him." Maul was silent as he saw Viscus just in his view he let out a loud snarl "VISCUS!........" the whole cave filled with people fell silent as they looked at Maul standing in the depthy of the cave. "VISCUS!.... IS IT TRUE!!" Viscus turned and looked at Maul almost speechless as he barely got the words out.... "Yes Maul it is true".

Ventress's eyes widened as she started to realize what was happening "oh no." Maul reached out with the force and pulled Viscus towards him Ahsoka stepped in front of Maul "Maul you promised me!!" Maul set Viscus down right behind Ahsoka "My lady..... I have not harmed him but I want him to tell me." Against all of Ahsoka's instincts she stepped out of the way as Maul stared at Viscus. A moment of silence passed as the two starred at each other before Viscus broke the silence first "Maul its true, I am your father.... I didn't have a choice before.... Telling you that is... I didn't have the option to tell you Talzin forbid it" some more silence passed as Maul was now starring at the floor.

Feral slowly approached "Viscus? Your really our father?" Viscus slowly looked over at Feral "yes Feral you both are my sons." Silence fell through the cave again as Ventress slowly started pushing everyone towards the entrance for a moment to give them space. Maul looked up at his younger brother before looking back at Viscus. Ahsoka's eyes darted back and forth between the three as she nervously waited for any of them to speak up. Maul felt Ahsoka's distress. He calmly looked over to her as his gaze softened once more as she stared at him with plea in her eyes.

Maul closed his eyes and sighed before reaching out his hand to Viscus. Viscus slowly approached and placed his hand in Mauls. Maul pulled Viscus to him and used his free hand to wrap it around Viscus's back and spoke with a low whisper. "Father.........that will take some time getting used to....... I guess you could say you were right to ask lady Tano to talk to me first.... She has a way of keeping me rational." Viscus let out a nervous chuckle as he returned the embrace "I know Maul its why i talked to her first...... please forgive me..." Maul let go of the embrace and took a step back... "I will not lie to you but it will take me time.... For now I am glad I have something I have never had before..... a family." Viscus smiled "I will accept that."

Viscus made his way over to Feral where Feral wrapped his arms around Viscus with tears welling in his eyes. Ahsoka smiled as she watched the two before she looked over to see Maul slowly approaching, his yellow eyes glowed in the low light. "Maul... that was the most control I've seen you have over your aggression im really proud of you." Maul let out a low chuckle as he pulled Ahsoka by the waist to him, his thumbs gently rubbing her belly. "I want to give our son something I never had..... something you never had.... His own family flesh and blood, killing his grandfather would defeat the purpose of having a semi normal family."

Ahsoka laughed "Maul nothing about you and I and all this is normal....... But I agree it would be very nice that our son sees his mother, father, uncle and grandfather. You really are so much more than what meets the eye...... my love...." Maul smirked and pulled Ahsoka in for a passionate kiss "Now lady Tano lets get you back to bed so you can rest I can bring you some food in a bit...... for now tho I want to spend time with my Lady." Ahsoka blushed as the gentle sweet side of Maul came out. "Maul are you going soft?" Maul rolled his eyes and let out a grunt "shhhhhhh my Lady no one can know this." Ahsoka let out another laugh as Maul picked her up and carried her back to the room.

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