1 (First plan)

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Clay POV:
"Nearly there.. almost there.." I say while climbing the mountain that brings me to "bur's house" .
Bur was a rich guy. He used to be friends with the king. But then something happened and they became enemies.
Bur isn't his real name. Only three people know his name.
His mom,dad and George.
The king of the country. The most powerful man.
Even if he is the king of the country And not the world or something, there is no other king other than him. That makes him special.
As I reach the top of the mountain, I open bur's door that leads me to his house.
"You Actually came, wow" bur said to me.
"Of course I would. Why wouldn't I?" I ask.
"I don't know. Okay, listen up" bur says.
He turn around and takes a few steps towards me.
" I need you to do something.." he wispers.
"What do you want me to do?" I ask.
"Kill George" I freezed when I heard those words. Is he on drugs?? How could somebody like me kill somebody like George. If I get caught there is no way I am left alive.
"What?!? N-" as I try to say that I Would never even think of doing that, bur interupts me.
"I will give you 2 million coins" bur said.
In this country and place, a coin is worth one dollar.
"2 milliom coins??" I ask.
"Yes, you hearf that right. I will even give you an idea on how to kill him! Just say you will do it. And you get the coins right now." Bur said.
"Alright.." i Say.
"You will do it?!" Bur asks. He cannot believe he got me to do what he have been waiting for years.
"alright... The first plan is..."

"Alright. I will try my best." I say to bur.
"You better not fail me.. Clay" bur says.
"What happens if I fail?" I ask, He couldn't do a lot.
"Murder you." He said.
I wouldn't want that. I am only 21, not a kid but still young.
"I will try and make you proud!" I say holding the bag of coins in my hand.
Coins weren't that big. One coint is small. so in a school bag you would fit 10 million coins.
"You better. Now go" bur says.
"Goodbye bur!" I say.
He is three years older than me. And the same age as king George.
After I get down the tall ass mountain, I go home.
At home:
If somebody sees the coins they will think I stole them..
Where can I hide them tho...
I look around my room for a place to hide my coins, the bed... The desk.. a painting. I can hide the coins behind it.
I hide the coins and wait for the night to come.
I have the plan ready... I cannot believe I am going to risk my life to make bur happy.. and for coins..
Hours passed by, I had my cat and phone to spend time on/with.
After a few hours I realise it is 12 AM. I see if George Is asleep by checking if he posted a goodnight thing on instagram story like everynight and he did.
Other kings couldn't care less of their kindom, but george did almost everything for his.
The only problem is... Nobody saw what he looks like.
We never got to hear his voice either.
It has been 6 years since he became king and yet nobody knows his face or voice.
If I get to kill him, I get to see him.
I don't really think bur's plan would work, but he said if it dosen't, then We will try my plan.
People tried killing him before, and they all got killed. That's why I am scared of even think to kill him.
As I think about what Would I do get a text from a unknown number.

'Clay, It is me, bur. I want to
Know if you left to the king's
House already.'
12:03 AM
                                       'hi bur, not yet. I
                                Was going to leave
'alright. You better
Kill him'

Fuck... I am going to leave.
I get my knife and axe at me and my mask. A plain white mask with a smiley face on it.
I finally leave... "Good luck" i say to myself, cause nobody could.
I hope I am not getting caught..

bow fucking down to me |dnf| Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin