Chapter 6

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Hera grunted as she was slammed into the desk, Lucifer grabbed his brother and casted a protection spell around themselves. He looked down at the seeming lifeless body, anger began to grow within him. His fist clench, he could feel the sharp points of his nails digging into his skin.

Hera got up and smiled, she leaned against the half broken desk still beautiful as ever. Her smooth legs looked fitting in the dark red tight dress she's wearing, her lips are glossy rose which made them looked plumped. She giggled softly and started walking towards the brothers.

She kneeled down "I want you back Luci baby."

Lucifer's eyes grew wide, he glared at her in disbelief. She's goes missing for over 300 years then suddenly comes back wanting to be with him again. Complete fucking bullshit. Lucifer laughed like a maniac, Hera arched her brows.

"I'm not kidding Luci, I miss you, I miss our sons, I miss what we had."

"Fuck off. You threw that all away the moment you left me with our oldest and newly born child." Lucifer rolled his eyes and tried to wake his brother back up.

"I'm sorry ok . . . I had my reasons.", Hera stood up and turned away.

"Yeah? We're they more important than your own damn family!? Do you know how fucking difficult it was the run a damn realm and take care of our sons!? I spent every waking amount of my free time trying to give Hades the best possible childhood he can have, I wanted him to be happy and not sadden of the fact that his mother left him! Not only that! Satan was raised by your maid, your fucking maid!"

Hera turned to face Lucifer again with an angered expression,"I said I was sorry ok!! What else do you want from me!?"

"I want you to get out of my castle and never come back, I don't want to see your face ever again. And if I do, I'll make your life a living hell. Pun intended."

Hera glared at Lucifer,"You'll regret this Lucifer Morningstar. I swear on it!". Hera vanished from the room as Poseidon just started to wake up. He coughed to clear his throat and groaned getting up.

"That bitch. I'm going to kill her", He rubbed his neck.

Lucifer sat on the sofa with an exhausted sigh,"Not if I get to her first"

"What did she want?"

"She wants to get back with me again." Luci massaged his head in frustration.

Poseidon's jaw dropped,"Are you fucking kidding me!?"

"I wish I was-" Luci sighed "She seemed consent on doing so, I need to be cautious. There's no telling what she'll do."

"What do we tell Hades?"

"Nothing for now, I want him to stay as far away from his mother as he can. Even if that means lying unfortunately."

Poseidon nodded and plopped down next to his brother,"I'm still gonna kill that bitch."

They both started laughing as Lucifer leaned his head on his brother. They grew tired and feel into a restless sleep.

The Next Day

"Hey Marry? Have you seen my father or uncle around?"

She shook her head no,"Not since yesterday. What's wrong love?"

"Nothing, Just need to talk to them about something. Can you let me know if you've seen them?"

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