Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

This story will be told in a 3rd person POV, where the narrator is the only one who's speaking the actions and feelings of the characters.

Anyway . . . Enjoy ;)


Hades fought the light Magic creature, it's wings stood high scanning for attack. The angel had a ball of light in his hand ready to throw, Hades fist were on fire ready to scorch the angel alive. The angel attacked with the full force of the ball of light, Hades leaned back as he watch the ball of magic fly above him. He stood back up and quickly threw a fire ball at the angels wings, the wings caught on fire as the angel tried everything in it's power to put it out.

Did anyone teach this angel anything, Hell fire can't be put out by anything. Not even water or the strongest magic could do it, only the royal family can control it. The angel's body was fully on fire as it laid on the ground lifeless, Hades looked over to see his father fighting with the god and leader of the angels, Zeus. His father has grown an extra 2ft as his horns poked out from his forehead, his eyes were scolding red and the tips on fire, his hands were claws clenched in a ball of dark magic.

Hades was too focused on how powerful his father is and everyone one else fight around him that he didn't see a up coming attack on his right flank, quickly and sharply the angel threw a ball of light at Hades's head. Hades's vision began to go blurry before he barely got the chance to strike back, his legs felt like jelly as he crumbled to the ground. His eyes felt heavy and he wanted to sleep just for a little bit.

"My lord!! Wake up!!" Was the last thing he heard before blackness.


Hades laid in the soft warm bed as he opened up his droopy eyes, his vision cleared from blurriness as he tried to take in his surroundings. A tall figure stood in the door way, it leaned against the wall arms crossed. The figure soon came out from the shadows, Hades instantly relaxed knowing that it's his father.

"Where am I?" Hades looked around the room bewildered.

"Your in my room, there were too many Injured in the infirmary" Lucifer replies, he scanned his son for any Injuries from the door.

"What happened?" Hades sat up rubbing his head, it was pounding along with his sore body.

"A archangel hit you with a strong spell, it was powerful and knocked you out. You may experience dizziness and weak body muscles for a couple hours"

"Great" Hades said un-rapping the sheets on his body.

"Dad where's my Boxers?" He looked down at his naked body.

"The nurse suggested to take them off to keep you cool, your powers were off the hook when you were asleep. Especially since your rising temperature caught your room on Fire" Lucifer informed him.

"That's why I'm in here?"

"Pretty much, yeah" Lucifer responded.

"Well, I'm all better now so I'm going to head to earth for a couple drinks and a lay" Hades grabbed the sheets of the bed and covered his naked body.

"You can't"

"Why not?" Hades was starting to get irritated with his father irrational choices.

"Your body is still in recovery let alone your magic, you probably won't have enough to get you back to the underworld" Lucifer informed him.

"I'll just stay in earth a couple days, really I'm fine, now let me-" Hades fell as he began to walk, he mentally cursed his legs for failing him. A tall figure was there to catch him before hitting the ground.

"I didn't need your help" He said getting out of Lucifer's embrace.

"Of course you didn't" Lucifer smiled at his son's stubbornness.

"There is a bath prepared for you, once your done head back to rest" Lucifer said opening the door.

"I'm Fine Dad, just leave me alone" Hades walked off only for his legs to fail him . . . again, Lucifer was at his side picking him up bridal style.

"You're an Asshole" Hades pouted.

"I know"

Lucifer carries his son into the bathroom, he un-rapped the sheet and put him in the boiling hot water. The Temperature never Bothered Hades, he always like bathing in hot water. Lucifer grabbed the body wash and began pouring it all over his Son.

"Father leave, I c-can do this myself" Hades retorted, he started to feel uncomfortable.


"Because I'm naked and as I say again I can do this myself." Hades responded.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, plus your body is too weak remember?"

"The last time you seen me naked was 500 years ago dad, I was 3 years old" Hades groaned.

"Basically the same thing, your body only matured" Lucifer said as he continued to wash his son's body.

He rubbed all around Hades's back and stomach, he hands went deeper under water to his torso. Hades felt his father's knuckles brush past his cock, he's erection started to grow. Panic filled his being as he wished for his father to hurry up, but it didn't come true as his father went down towards his v-line and then to his thigh. He felt Lucifer's hand brush past his semi-hard cock again.

"Alright this is to weird, I'm done" Hades said getting out the water, Lucifer grabbed his cock and Hades froze.

"Relax it's normal for men to experience erection when being touched by another" Lucifer informed him.

"But your My f-father" Hades stuttered, he strangely didn't feel disgusted at his father's touch but more aroused.

"Just think of me as a . . . Chiropractor" He chuckled.

"This isn't pron- this is to weird" Hades whispered as his father began to stroke.

He began on a slow steady rhythm Hades started to relax back into the water, his father leaned down and ran his hands down his Son's Abs. Hades let a moan escape his mouth and quickly covered it, Lucifer chuckled enjoying, watching his son squirm. He began to speed up his pace, Hades started panting at the good feeling. He was so into it that he did know the words that were coming out his mouth.

"Fuck! Go faster" he commanded, Lucifer complies as he strokes faster. His hand moving up and down quickly had Hades shaking in the water. Lucifer leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"You like that Son? You like when your father stokes you off as you moan into the air" Lucifer was using his seductive side, with him and his son being both half Incubus. A male version of a Succubus.

Hades leaned his head back against his father's shoulder, Lucifer nuzzled his face into Hades neck as he began to stroke faster. Hades grabbing Lucifer's wrist to help him move even faster.

"Oh fuck, Father your touch feels so good" Hades groaned.

Lucifer kisses his sons neck then his check then his jaw, Hades leaned in more to his father wanting more contact. The cravings have started and will never stop.

"D-Dad I'm g-gonna Cum!!" Hades warned his father.

"Cum for me, son" lucifer whispered in Hades ear then bit the boy's neck sending a shocking wave of pleasure through out his body.

Hades released into the water, he felt 8, 9, 10 strings of white liquid blast out his member. His father kept drinking his son's blood causing Hades to continued with his orgasm, once he finished Lucifer licked his's son's neck cleaning it then healing the wound. Hades laid in the now cool water exhausted, his father pulled him out then dried him off. After that he put Hades back into his bed to rest then walked out the room to finish his work.

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