Chapter 3

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Lucifer sat in his chair avoiding his son, it's been 2 weeks since the last time they've been sexual with each other. It's been killing him, every time he thinks of Hades that cock of his goes stiff. His desire for his son has ruin his sexual pleasure too, he even went as far as cheating on his fiancé and having sex with other women and men but nothing. He tried jacking off but still nothing, his body craves Hades. Lucifer sighed as the annoying ring tone of his phone went off.


"Lucifer, brother. Get down to the torture chambers. We caught a Banshee." His brother Poseidon commanded.

"Alright, give me a few minutes." Lucifer hung up the phone in a hurry then grabbed his jacket and teleported out his office.

A Banshee not only predicts death and tell when it's coming but it also know which souls committed the most sinister sins, those kinds of sins gives demon great power and if they get into the wrong hands all hell could break loose. Lucifer appeared in the chambers, there were magical creatures and human souls behind fire lit cell bars. Some were screaming in agony as the were dipped in hell fire.

"You look like shit." Poseidon chuckled.

"I haven't notice." Lucifer snapped, "Now, where is this Banshee?"

"She's down the hall in the secure cell, she's a powerful one so I suggest you wear these." Poseidon gave Lucifer earbuds that had ruins on them.

Lucifer put them on and instantly everything went quiet, he took them off.

"Where'd you get these?" He questioned.

"Some witch gave them to me, she let me have them after I helped her fight off some Banshee that was torturing her family." Poseidon explained.

"Nice story." Lucifer laughed as he and Poseidon made their way towards the screaming creature, the story was completely BS.

They turned the corner at the end of the hall, there at the cell stood Hades.

"You bought him here!?" Lucifer whispered-yelled.

"Yeah, what's the problem? He's always with us when questioning." Poseidon shrugged his shoulders.

Lucifer took a deep breath then made his way over towards his son, Hades turned around. Lucifer saw a flash of something in his eyes then it was replaced with numbness.

"Father, Uncle." Hades said looking straight toward, Lucifer kept staring at his son. Seeing his physical features is better then imagining them, he felt happy, relieved.

"Did she say anything?" Poseidon questioned.

"No, for a Banshee she's pretty quiet."

"Ok, I'm gonna give her a try." Hades stepped back as Poseidon stepped up.

Lucifer watch his son from the side, he missed looking at his beautiful handsome features even if it's been only 2 weeks. Hades kept his posture listening to the conversation ahead, Lucifer decided to break the silence.

"Hey son." Lucifer muttered.

"Hey Dad." Hades responded, a small smile made its way to Lucifer's face. Then back to silence.

Poseidon walked back over to them with a annoyed face, "She won't talk, I need you two to get me some hell fire."

Hades nodded and proceeded to walk, Lucifer behind him. They enter the hell fire pit, Hades was going to grab some until he was pushed against the wall.

"What are you doing!? You said you couldn't-!"

"Hades please, just listen." Lucifer sighed as Hades began to Calm down.

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