Jacob Scamander

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This is another Harry potter book, I thought of. It's basically the Harry potter books with a character who's as his last name suggests is the grandson of Newt Scamander. The plot of the books won't change much as Jacob will be in Hufflepuff and he won't interact will the main trio much at first. The book starts at Second year where the main trio will talk to Jacob to see if he knows what's in the Chamber of secrets because of his grandfather. Jacob will be more experienced than most of those in his year as Newt taught him how to deal with most magical creatures (Jacob knows how to deal with all magical creatures will a X-XXX and some XXXX creatures [X means boring, XX means harmless/Maybe domesticated, XXX means competent wizard should cope, and XXXX means dangerous/ requires specialist knowledge/skilled wizard may handle] he also has the ability to communicate with most creatures even snakes but he's not fully a Parselmouth it's like how Ron was able to copy what Harry said in parseltongue after hearing it. Jacob can understand Parseltounge but he can't fully speak it at best he can say some random words in parseltongue (it's like how in Tarzan of the apes Tarzen could understand and write in English but he couldn't speak it.)

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