Chapter 1051

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Matt's POV: Once Gabby's necklace was back on, I went to lean in to kiss her once again when we were interrupted. I sighed and looked at her because we heard the door. "Should I even bother answering it?" That's when we heard Cruz yell. "You better answer this door. I need to give you something and you owe me 1/3 of the cost!" I was confused when Cruz said that. I then went to open the door and looked at Cruz  "What did you forget to do this morning before we left?" 

He sighed and looked at me, holding up the magnets we've been meaning to put on our car. "We finally got more. I was here to put them on our car but, I didn't want to impose." I smiled and nodded. "Of course we can put some on our car." Gabby then looked at me. "Oh, those the Molly's magnets?" I nodded and smiled at her. "I'll be back." Gabby agreed and let me go. Meanwhile, Cruz walked over to our van while I grabbed my coat and put some shoes on.

Once I was ready to go outside, I closed the door behind me and walked over to Cruz. I decided not to wear a mask considering we just got tested and saw him earlier that morning while we were finishing shift at the firehouse. Once I made my way out to him, I saw him looking at the car. "So, where you guys want these?" I smiled at him. "What sizes we have?" Cruz then went to show me them. "Give me the little one. I will put that one on the back. Others go on doors."

Cruz nodded and went to go put the bigger magnets on the front doors of our van. Meanwhile, I went to put it on the back of the van. Once that was done, I turned to look at Cruz and smiled at him. "You already looking for one of these?" Cruz chuckled. "Like I have a choice." I nodded and smiled, leaning against our van. "Luckily for me, I found one recently before the whole world shut down again. I mean, my car was fine but not when you have a baby. A lot of stuff."

Cruz nodded and agreed. "Just curious, you have any stuff that you aren't using anymore? I would love to start a stockpile of clothes." I then sighed and looked at him. "We've already been giving it away to Antonio. You're not the only one having twins at the firehouse Cruz." He nodded and understood. "I should've expected that. After all, they are your family. Now, I am not saying that it's wrong...I am just saying that of course it will go to them first." I nodded and agreed.

"Don't worry, I am saving the outfit you gave us for him. I will make sure to give that back to you and not give it to Antonio." Cruz smiled. "You sure, it's a gift you got at your 'baby shower'." I nodded and smiled. "Cruz, you are having twins. That costs a lot of money. I am still shocked at how much raising one child costs. I can't imagine how much it's going to cost to raise twins." He nodded and sighed. "I am scared out of my mind. It's still not resonating with me that this is my future. I mean, you make it look so easy."

I sighed and nodded. "Trust me when I say this, it's not as easy as it looks. Because, what you also need to think about is making sure that your marriage is still one of your priorities. So, I am currently balancing work, Matteo and my marriage. Oh, and the health and safety of my family. So, while we make it look takes a lot of work. We just make sure to put extra effort into it considering we don't want to loose each other again."

Cruz smiled when I said that. "I still feel bad by the way that the universe has dealt you such a bad hand. Yet, here I am able to have triplets easily with my wife. Yet you have to get a vasectomy to protect your wife's life. However, we do whatever we have to for the women we love don't we?" I chuckled and smiled. "I don't have to get a vasectomy Cruz." Cruz then glared at me. "Shit, you are abstaining?" I laughed. "No, I already got it. I got it right away."

Cruz nodded and understood smirking. "Let me guess, you're addicted to the crazy amount of love that gorgeous latina of yours gives you." I smirked and nodded. "It's amazing. However, nothing is as amazing as watching her with Matteo. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time." Cruz nodded. "You mean since you had Louie?" I nodded and sighed. "Is it weird that I still miss the little guy? I mean, I have Matteo but...I still wish we wouldn't have ever had to go through that. I worry about him too. What if his dad is back into drugs?"

Cruz listened to me and nodded. "You talk to Gabby about this? Maybe you can talk to the case worker she worked with. Maybe she can give you an update on him?" I hadn't thought about that and sighed. "I am just scared to bring it up because I don't want her pulling away from me." Cruz nodded. "If you don't bring it up, she will suspect something is up. You have to remember that your brother-in-law is a detective and Gabby must've learned something from him."

I nodded and agreed. "I will talk to her." Cruz smiled and nodded. "By the way, I forgot to ask. What did you think about the class I taught? I know you went to one a few years ago but...I've been getting better. What did you think?" I chuckled and smiled when he asked. "Keep working at it. You're doing a great job and honestly, I would just change the music a bit. Update the playlist you use. Maybe add some Jennifer Lopez, Shakira and Britney Spears." 

Cruz nodded and liked the idea. "That's a great idea. They are all my idols when it comes to dance after all. They give me some of the moves I used." I chuckled and smiled. "I thought I recognized the booty shake from somewhere." Cruz smiled and nodded when his phone rang. "Listen, I have to take it. It's Chloe." Cruz then answered and smiled. "Hey Chloe. What's up?" Cruz then listened to her and sighed. "Okay, I'm on my way."

I turned to look at him because he looked worried. "Everything okay at home?" Cruz nodded and sighed. "She's stuck in the bath." I laughed and smiled. "You better get going then." He nodded and agreed. "Happy early new year." I smiled when he said that. "Cruz, we are going to see you on New Year's Eve remember?" He nodded. "Right, sorry a lot on my mind." I agreed. "Cruz, take a breath and relax. Just go home and help Chloe." He agreed and nodded, walking away. I waited for him to pull out of our driveway before making my way back inside.

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