Note to Readers re: Jeff Clarke

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Hi Readers,
I want to first thank you all for reading my story. I know it is getting really long but, I keep having really good ideas. However, I just want to mention something about the fact that I am bringing back so many characters that are no longer part of the universe. Some of them are because they are characters I like. However, others are for a purpose. 

The reason I brought Jeff Clarke back into the picture even though he isn't on screen anymore is to provide for a "transition character storyline" or a character who can provide an easy way to transition between two different workplaces. I hope that makes sense and is a good reason to have him back on the picture. 

Now, before we head back to the story...I want to once again take the opportunity to thank you all for reading my story. I know it is getting long but, I hope you are enjoying it because I am really enjoying writing it. And now, let's get back to the story.

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