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Niall's POV

"What's on your mind? You look stressed." Harry said to me as he was looking down to text on his phone. It was probably Louis.

I like Harry now, but that doesn't mean I want him in my business. I don't want anyone in my business.

Zayn and I got into an argument yesterday because he was being mean to Jax so I told him to leave him alone. He thinks I always get in the way of his parenting.

I'm trying not to let our argument affect this lunch with Harry, Josh, Liam and I but it's hard. I can't help but think about the mean things he said to me.

"I'm so sorry guys but I have to go, Greg is having a really hard time with Sydney right now."

Sydney is Greg and Josh's daughter, she's only 3 years old but she can be very noisy.

"Okay, tell him I said hi."

"Will do bye guys." He smiled at us for a second time before handing Harry money to pay for his lunch.

We waved goodbye to him, and he waved back until he was out the store.

"So, Niall what time do you plan on coming to work tomorrow?" Liam asked me.

"I don't know, in the morning I think around 7 why?"

"Cause' maybe we could grab coffee before a long day at work." He laughed and Harry looked to see if Liam was looking at him, then shook his head no at me.

"Oh, no?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"Why not?"

"I'm getting coffee with Zayn." I lied and I could her he looked sad. I know Liam likes me but I don't want to lead him on since I'm married and happily for the most part.

Our wedding was the best experience of my life, next to the births of our kids. It was everything I'd ever wanted.

Gorgeous colours, pretty suits, and we flew some friends and family out to Hawaii. That's also where we had our honeymoon which was the best two weeks of my life.

My favourite thing of the entire wedding was his vows.
That or when he cried, I've never really seen him cry that severely. I've seen him tear up and throw a tantrum but never a full on cry like a baby.

Once in a while he still repeats his vows to me and I love it. Reminds me he still wants to keep the same promises we made on our wedding day.

"Oh well maybe another day?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm sorry, It's Jasper I have to take this." I announced once my phone vibrated on the table.

I stepped away from the table and outside before answering his phone call.


"Yeah, sweetheart it's me. What's wrong, why're you crying?" I could my heart beating quickly, Jasper seemed scared.

"I got into another fight."

"Jasper how many times do I have to tell you-."

"It's bad this time dad, it's really bad."

"What're you talking about?"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Calm down your father and I will be there soon I love you." I told him before making my way back into the restaurant to pay.

"I'm sorry guys but Jasper got in trouble in school, I'll call you later." I said dropping money on the table and they nodded in understanding .

I called Zayn once I was on the road.

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