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Niall's P.O.V

"Catch you later, son." I heard Zayn say to Jax as stepped into the car to sit in the drivers seat.
Another successful family therapy session, any close minded person would think we are dramatic or somewhat bonkers but .. family therapy has to be one of the best decisions we would have every made for our family.

It would be far fetched to say that it stopped all of our problems, but it definitely has made our communication better than ever.

Zayn's anger issues have gotten so much better, I am so proud of him. In my teenage years of someone would have told me that Zayn would improve this much I would laugh hysterically. I guess the jokes on me, because over the course of the last few months we have been attending family therapy he has improved so much and I couldn't be more proud of him.

However our attempt at family therapy wasn't to fix me and Zayn's relationship, our bond becoming stronger was just a bonus. The reason we first decided to go was to help heal and grieve the lost of Joey.. and even though it's been around 15 years since he passed, we never really talked about it and every single person in our family knew deep down inside that Zayn blamed himself .. secondly, we decided to go to therapy because every since Matty had gotten out of jail his kids had pretty much zero respect for him.
Or should I say kid ? I mean Carson was fine, she loved her dad but Parker.. was a whole nother' story. Damaged wasn't even sufficient enough of a word to describe their relationship. He pretty much hated him.

But with a few months of sessions from a therapist we knew from Louis' and Zayn's old days, you would never guess that Matty and his child had any relationship problems, which was the goal. Genuine connection and forgiveness between the two.

As a parent you never want to see your child going through anything rough. Zayn and I just couldn't take it anymore Jaxon calling us night after night saying how much Matthew was arguing with Parker, and he didn't know how to stop it . Trust me I know the feeling, Jasper and Zayn were like the completely same person and their personalities clashed so much when Jasper was a child. If I had a dollar for everytime I called Greg or my parents crying about them not getting along I would be a billionaire.

I would say our family is improving really well considering the fact that last christmas we didn't even spend it with eachother, now we are able to co exist in the same room and laugh, joke, hug as well as reminisce. Knowing that my family is on the right track is honestly all I have ever wanted.

"What do you think you're wearing to this little shin dig?" Zayn asked, and I chuckled at his choice of words.

"You really are getting old aren't you?"

"Me? Tell that to the five little grey hairs poking out of your head" he joked.

I rolled my eyes, deciding to ignore his insult,"I was thinking maybe dress pants and a button up."

"Babe its a dinner with your family, not the president of the United States."

"I know it's not, because if it was dinner with the president I would wear a shirt that screamed 'fuck you'" I chuckled ,"I want to look nice, it's dinner we aren't teenagers anymore skinny jeans aren't so flattering."

"Maybe you're right, we are the makings of everyone that'll be at that dinner.. probably would be appropriate to dress like we actually care"

I nodded in satisfaction, considering the fact that I just made Zayn admit I was right. Although Zaynie hates when I bring up that we are getting old, it's reality, we aren't 17 years old anymore. We are grandparents, as old as that seems.

"We are only as old as we allow ourselves to feel" I smiled. At least we have a beautiful family to show for it, some people would love to be able to say that.

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