your name

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Armin had always been well-liked, maybe it was something about his cheery personality, or the fact that he had gotten a scholarship onto the football team. It's not that he even liked it, but he'd been good at it his whole life and it would come as a shock if he quit.
    Although he was pretty popular, his best friend was Eren, who sat next to him in most classes. They'd gone to grade school together, and had always dreamed of going to the same college.
    "So," he stood up, exiting the room with Eren. "That seemed like a successful first class." Eren stared up at him. "Yeah, that teacher is all over you, dude," they shared a laugh. "If I were him, I wouldn't be able to help it either!" Armin said, a sarcastic tone in his voice.
    "Well, my next class is... math," Armin shook his head. "I'm shit at math. And... it's on the top floor. Great," Eren shrugged. "You can't rely on me for the schedule, dude. That clearly says room 4, not floor 4,"
    "Oh, how didn't I see that," Armin's finger trailed down to the class. "Ah, so it's on the third-" he looked up to see Eren running. "S-Sorry dude, i'm going to be late!" Eren yelled, without looking back. "Eren-" Armin rolled his eyes, smoothing out the schedule. "I've got-" he checked his watch. "-thirty seconds to get to math,"
    He started running down the empty hallway, everyone had already gotten to their classes. "Shit, shit-" suddenly he ran into something- no, someone.
    He gasped, looking down. It was that girl from first period. "Oh- i'm-" he tripped over his words, earning a laugh from the girl. "It's alright. You're that kid from English, right?" To which she didn't earn a response. "Hey-" she looked up at the blond, who was staring at a paper. "What- what are you doing?"
    His mouth was open in shock. "This- this is good," it was a paper on all of the formulas they had to memorize. Annie couldn't hold herself back from blushing just a little. "Well, I have to say that I was interested in your analysis today," she looked at her feet. "It would be nice to be able to think like that,"
    "Well, if you want, sweater girl," he pulled a pen out of his pocket and took off the cap with his teeth. He jotted down something on the paper and folded it before handing it back to her. "I could help you,"
    "Just ask." He headed past her, walking to his classroom.
    Annie spun around. "I have a name, you know," Armin turned around to look at her. "Really? I don't believe it," he said sarcastically. "What is it?"
    "It's Annie," he nodded. "I'm Armin. Nice to meet you, sweater girl." He spun back around and started walking back. Annie sighed. "It's Ann-" he looked back at her once more. "See-ya, sweater girl," he turned around the corner. What an idiot, Annie thought. She looked back to see him turning the corner. She shook her head, looking back at the paper and unfolding it. A phone number, followed by a smiley face was written on top of the page. Annie folded the paper back up and laughed. "Alright then,"

sweater girl - aruani college auWhere stories live. Discover now