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Annie's phone buzzed. "Hold on, whoever you are," she was studying, and was not in the mood for distractions. The phone buzzed a few more times. "Shut up, whoever you are. It's 11," after it buzzed the fifth time, she picked it up. "Armin? What does he want." She read the texts.
"annie" "annie" "ANNIE" "sweater girl" "respond to my texts stupid". Annie replied. "what do you want now dumbass". Armin took a second to reply, the grey dots popping up and down. "I'm not in the mood for this," she put away her phone.
Five minutes later, it buzzed again. "meet me outside". She had to admit, she felt her heart jump when she read the text. "it's 11, i'm trying to study".  His dots popped up again. "stfu. i'll see you in five". She rolled her eyes, putting on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. "I'm tired," she yawned.
"armin wya" she texted, before hearing a knock on the window. "Huh-" She looked out the window, and there was Armin standing there. She laughed, before Armin's hand covered her mouth and put a finger to his lips. "Where-" she dropped her voice to a whisper, "where are we going?"
Armin shrugged and helped her out of the window. "Answer my question, right now." She was becoming annoyed. Once they climbed to the bottom, she sighed. "So, you spam my phone at 11, asking me to come outside, sneak me out through my window, and now you can't talk?"
Armin took her hand and led her off campus. "Here, c'mon." She gasped. "We're- driving? At 11?" Armin sat in the driver's seat and started up the car. "Correct," Her face turned into a frown. "What is wrong with you," Armin turned the wheel. "Buckle up," he looked behind him and steered with one hand.
She buckled up. "Armin, it's late." He looked at her with a dazed expression. "Yeah?" Armin turned up the radio. Golden by Harry Styles started playing. He rolled down the windows, the thin breeze grazing their faces.
"You've got good taste," he looked at her and smirked. "I know." He looked back at the road.
"So, are you going to answer my question?" He looked at her. "I hope you like milkshakes," Annie smiled. "I don't think I've had one since I was a little girl,"
"Since now," The car stopped. They parked in a driveway, and a neon red sign reading "DINER" in front of a retro-style restaurant stood out. "Armin," on the side there was a "24/7" poster.
They walked in. "What do you want?" Annie sighed. "I don't have any money-" Armin looked at her with a slightly disgusted look. "Don't be an idiot," She laughed. "Can I get a- strawberry milkshake?" The cashier smiled. "Of course, and you?" She looked at Armin. "I'll take a chocolate one."
The cashier typed it into a screen. "That'll be $9.37." Armin handed the woman a $10 bill. "Thank you." She held out her hand with the remaining change, but Armin just nodded with a smile and put his hand around Annie's shoulder and took her over to a booth with red seats. "Why'd you-" Armin just smiled, knowingly. Annie yawned. "What did you need, Armin?"
The cashier came over and gave them their milkshakes. "For you, young lady, and you, gentleman,"
Annie tasted it. "It's really good," she smiled slightly. "Thank you," Armin took a sip of his. "Of course," He sighed.
"Sorry for getting you up so late." Annie turned and blushed. "No, it's really not a big deal," She looked back at Armin. "So, uh," he rubbed the back of his neck.
"There's a party tomorrow," Annie gasped. "I've never really been much of a party person-"
"Can you be my date?" He looked back up to her, his face a light shade of pink. "Oh-" Annie felt her face get hot. "I mean- as- as friends, of course,"
"Oh," Annie's smile seemed to fade a little bit. "Or, if you want to go as-" Annie cut him off with a gentle kiss. It felt like time had stopped for a second, like they were the only people in the world, living in each other's worlds.
They broke apart. Both of them were blushing now. "Sure,"
They hadn't realized that they were holding hands over the table. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment, until looking over at the cashier, who had her hands over her heart, her eyes watering. She had a smile as if she had just seen the most adorable thing in the world.
The two started to burst out laughing. "Oh- i'm sorry!" The cashier ran into the back. They finished their milkshakes.
They walked out of the diner, holding each other's hands. They go back into the car, Armin driving again and Annie in shotgun.
Armin turned back on the radio and the car's lights. Can I Call You Tonight? Started playing. They were silent for the first few minutes. "That was fun," Annie said, the breeze on her face once again.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Armin's hair, that Coach Levi had cut, danced in the wind.
They pulled into the driveway of the school. "It's midnight already," Annie breathed. "Yeah," Armin said, looking into her pale blue eyes.
"Thank you, again," Armin pulled her into a soft kiss. They broke apart, feeling their heartbeats get faster in their chest. Annie giggled under her breath, as he tilted his head, capturing her in another kiss. Her lips were warm, and still tasted of fresh strawberries. She felt encompassed in warmth as his lips grazed over hers, allowing his tongue to slip inside them. His hands ran through her hair. His vanilla smell was almost dizzying as she got closer to him, his hand on her cheek. She couldn't believe it, she was sitting in her best friend's car, making out with him. And she loved every second of it.

On Friday

Eren and Armin walked into first period together. "Did you invite her?" Armin nodded. "Yeah, just- she's not very social." Eren laughed. "That's alright, Mikasa can introduce her," Armin nodded.
Class went by slow that day, and Armin agreed to meet up with Eren and the rest of the team before the game to practice.
"Alright. They're supposed to be here in ten," Eren said, checking his phone. "Wanna start?" Armin nodded, and got the football out of his bag. They started to toss around the ball. "Mikasa's excited to meet her, you know." Eren threw the football back at Armin.
"You know, she's not really a people person." Armin watched Eren catch the ball. "Oh well," the rest of the team showed up, along with the people who came to watch. "Look who it is," Armin could feel Eren whispering behind him. "Who-" he looked up to see Annie in the bleachers. "You gonna blow her a kiss?" Armin elbowed Eren. "Oh, shut up,"
"Arlert! Jaeger!" Armin and Eren ran into a team huddle. "You guys got this," Coach Levi said, nodding at them. They got into position.
After 30 minutes, they were still crushing the other team. Armin had made two touchdowns already, Eren made one also. The thought of Annie never really left his mind. Bertholdt, who was also on their team, and Armin made the final run.
They crushed the opposing team. "That was great, Eren." Armin ran up to him from behind. "You too, Bertholdt."
They all parted, after high fiving each other. "Hey, I think she's looking for you," Eren tapped Armin on the shoulder. Annie was looking around, confused. "Come with me," Armin tugged on Eren's wrist. "I want you to meet her,"
Annie hugged Armin once she saw him. "You did great!" She turned to look at Eren. "Oh, hey," she said, a little nervous.
"I'm Eren," he waved. "Oh, of course, Armin's told me all about you," She nodded to him.
"Armin's told me all about you," she giggled nervously. "Eren, this is-"
"-Annie," Annie cut him off and looked back at Armin. "I can introduce myself, Armin," she said, jokingly.
Eren laughed. "So, you're coming to the party, right?
"Oh- yeah," she stepped back. "Eren and I are going to get changed. I'll meet you later. "Text me," Armin nodded and smiled at her, as he and Eren walked back to the changing rooms.
"I like her," Eren said, drying his hair with a towel. "Good amount of feistiness," Armin laughed. "I wouldn't call her feisty-" Bertholdt walked in. "Oh, Annie? As in Leonheart?"
"Oh- yeah," Armin said. "Hm," Bertholdt walked out.
"I heard they were friends in high school," Armin said to Eren, once Bertholdt was out of earshot.
"Oh," Eren said. "They drifted, apparently," Armin continued. "Anyways, I've got to go get changed. I'll meet you there."

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