Letters #2

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January 12th, 2019

Dear Bookworm,

I know we've been texting but I like the thought that you have these letters in your possession.

Makes it feel special, you know?

As I told you a few days ago my scans are normal (as normal as a tumor in your brain can look), and today's tests should be fine as well.

Is it weird that I'm getting nervous that my tumor hasn't grown in a while? My doctor said that this is good news, but I have a gut feeling that it's not.

I don't know how to explain it.

Progress is bad, but what does no growth mean? Shrinking is supposed to be the good news. Not this.

This feels like I'm stuck at the top of a roller coaster. Waiting for it to drop.

I can already hear your texts, telling me to stop overthinking things. You're right. Obviously.

That's enough negative stuff. I wanted to write to you because I saw a cloud yesterday that looked exactly like Crookshanks! I would have gotten a picture but my phone was dead.

How is he by the way? But more importantly, how are you? I know you texted saying you and Ron aren't on speaking terms at the moment.

Maybe it's for the best?

You never told me why you two broke up, but if being around him makes you this angry, then distance may just be what you need.



February 10th, 2019

Dear Y/n,

Happy Valentine's Day!

I was hoping you'd be my Valentine?

(if I planned this letter correctly, then you should have received it by then)

I don't think I'd have a better option for a Valentine than you. You're very much the superior option and truly the only person I could see making me feel special on such a holiday.

I've missed you terribly. It's been very lonely with really only Harry around. Ron and I still aren't speaking after our fight in the living area. It was the talk of our classmate's gossip all month.

I'm ready for this school year to be over so you and I can spend the summer together. I have a few plans that you'll enjoy!

Make sure to take your medicine okay?

- Hermione

Y/n smiled at the note, her eyes slowly reading and rereading each word as if it'd start spilling any secret meanings behind it.

'I've missed you terribly'

Her heart thumps steadily, but quickly. She truly thought the 'date' they had was a one-sided affair.

Maybe she was wrong?


March 26th, 2019

Dear Bookworm,

How's your studying going for the end of the year? I know you've been reviewing like crazy since you haven't had that much time to text.

I just wanted to remind you to eat and drink! You tend to forget until your lips are cracked and your stomach is screaming at you.

Just- take care of yourself, okay?

I hope you do well on that test.

Love you!

- Y/n

"Hermione? Are you alright?" Harry asks qs he smirks slightly at her maroon cheeks and parted lips.

Her eyes rescan the last two letters multiple times. Like she was afraid she had read them wrong.

'Love you!'

Hermiones smiles softly and holds the letter a little too tightly. Her lungs quivered as she took small breaths.

"You're acting weird" Ron mumbled as his eyes dug into her side profile, but she ignored him. Her sole focus is on the paper in her hands.

How simple it is, a thin piece of notebook paper written in ink and laced with soft secrets.

Words that meant more than she understood yet.

Last Moments With You - HERMIONEWhere stories live. Discover now