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Third Person P.O.V:

November 23rd, 2019

Y/n parked the car and got out, sighing softly as she leaned onto its side and watched one of the various entrances. Her eyes wandered the heads of everyone who made their way in and out of the station, silently praying that she wouldn't miss Hermione entirely.

She looked down at the time on her phone and found it saying it was ten to five. Y/n sighed and stuffed her device back in her pocket, tricking herself into thinking that if she didn't acknowledge her mobile, then her father would be less likely to call.

Y/n pointed her head up toward the sky and watched as rain clouds started to roll in. The grey sky began to turn into a black abyss, it was slightly ominous.

She pushed off from the car and grabbed the umbrella from the backseat of the car, her eyes catching the droplets beginning to pelt the windshield.

When she slammed the door shut and quickly pushed open the umbrella, holding it over herself as the storm seemed to turn up to a hundred in an instant.

It was one of the storms that seemed like someone had stepped on a cloud and had everything fall in one go. It was loud and everyone began to run inside or to their cars with much haste.

The rain reminded Y/n of something, and it wasn't until familiar brown hair stepped out from the station and began to look around for any cabs.

Y/n's lips curled up in a smile as she caught a glimpse of Hermione through the rain. Her eyes sparkled just like they had the first time Y/n had laid eyes on her, making her heart skip a beat. A strange sense of familiarity washed over her, almost like she had experienced this moment before - like a sense of déjà vu that left her feeling both exhilarated and a little unnerved.

Y/n brought her thumb and pointer finger up to her mouth, and let out a whistle that immediately caught the attention of everyone in the immediate area, especially Hermione.

Even though Y/n couldn't hear Hermione from the distance between them, she could read her name leave the girl's lips as she began to cross the street. She quickly made sure that she wouldn't get hit by a car before immediately running towards Y/n.

Y/n raised her eyebrows as she stood up from the car and dropped the umbrella. Hermione dropped her bags a few feet away, having them skid slightly on the cement before she jumped into her lover's arms.

A soft laugh left Y/n as she stumbled back against the car as kisses were pressed against her jaw. Hermione grasped every part of Y/n's shirt, hoping to pull her somehow closer than what was humanly possible.

"Well hello to you too my love," Y/n says with a chuckle as she feels Hermione tighten herself around her more. Like a friendly Python.

"What are doing here? I was supposed to be the one to surprise you!" Hermione says as she reluctantly lets go and looks back at Y/n, who just seems to glow in excitement.

As the rain continued to pour on them, Y/n grabbed the handle of the umbrella and brought it up over them. As she did, the cold water that had collected in the tarp during their reunion, splashed over their heads.

Hermione began to laugh as Y/n looked slightly defeated by the simple mistake, water dripping from the tip of her nose - to which the brunette reached up and whipped away.

"My mom let it slip that you were coming today, she knew that my mood would change from what it was beforehand just by the mere idea of you being nearby," Y/n says as Hermione playfully rolls her eyes at the betrayal, but can't contain her smile that begins to break free.

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