• my best friend...

606 36 57

• excuse any errors


July 1978

"Drew, hurry up!" Karen exclaimed as she waited outside of Drew's house.

Drew came down the stairs of his porch, hopping into the passenger side of Karen's car.

"Wassup big head boy!" She smiled, thumping Drew's ear.

"Ow, watch it lil' girl," Drew laughed, rubbing his ear, "I have a surprise for youuu,"

"What?" Karen furrowed her eyebrows.

The door to the backseat opened & another figure slid in. That figure being Drew's girlfriend, Kennedy.

Karen shot Drew a look. & if looks could kill, he would be a dead man.

Karen cleared her throat, "Hey Kennedy," she spoke, dryly. She pulled off, leaving the community & onto the highway.

Kennedy simply looked at Karen through the mirror & didn't say anything. The two would never get along. Kennedy was snobbish & rude, & Karen just couldn't roll with people like that. However, it was the way Kennedy acted towards Karen that made Karen not so fond of her.

"Okay, this is the plan. I need to go to Robert's so I can get my dress for the musical then get it altered. We gotta swing by Dorinda's to pick up some jewelry. Then, to the church to rehearse," Karen listed the itinerary to Drew.

"Okay then, busy lady. I'm just a helper," Drew laughed, letting his seatback.

"You sure you wanna tag along? I have a lot to do & I don't wanna take up your time-"

Drew cut her off, "Karen, you're my best friend. I don't care if we just sat in silence. Every minute with you is valuable to me. Whatever you have to do today, I'm coming along the entire way,"

"Awww, look at little Drew being nice to meeee," She cooed, pinching his cheek.

"Drew, you just let anybody touch on you," Kennedy's scoffed at Karen & Drew's interaction.

Karen looked at Drew & started laughing.

"What's funny, Miss Piggy," Kennedy snapped, sitting forward in her seat, "Yeah, shut the hell up,"

Karen remained silent & focused on the road. That was Kennedy's first strike with her for the day.

"Man, chill out. She not even bothering you!" Drew turned around at Kennedy.

Kennedy rolled her eyes & sat back.

Karen pulled into the parking lot of Robert's studio. She & Drew got out, waiting for Kennedy to get out.

"Kennedy, what are you doing?" Drew sighed as they waited beside the car.

"I'm fixing my makeup. Can't you see?! Use common sense," Kennedy rolled her eyes, reapplying her lipstick with her small handheld mirror.

Drew sighed, glancing at Karen. He found himself staring at her. She had on no makeup with her natural hair, flowing down her shoulder. She was gorgeous to him, even in her most natural state.

Kennedy got out of the car, slamming the door. She walked off ahead of Drew & Karen. Drew shook his head, making Karen laugh.

The three of them reached the door.

"Rob, I'm hereeee!" Karen announced as she entered the studio.

"K!, my girl! How are you boo?" Robert exclaimed, embracing Karen into a hug.

"I'm good, how about yourself?" She responded with a smile.

"I'm great," He replied. His eyes shifted over to Drew & Kennedy.

"I'm sorry. this is my best friend, Drew," Karen pointed at Drew, "That's his girlfriend, Kennedy,"

"I don't need an introduction. I have to introduce myself," Kennedy spoke with attitude.

"Who-" Robert started but was cut off by Karen covering his mouth. He smacked Karen's hand, "Chile, Imma just go get your dress,"

Karen's smile faded as soon a Robert turned the corner. She turned to Drew, giving him another look. Her patience was running thin.

"What's the problem, Piggy? You look a little flushed & upset. What? They wouldn't feed you today?" Kennedy laughed at her joke.

Karen didn't respond.

"It's okay. You could miss a meal or two .. or three or four," Kennedy laughed even louder.

"Kennedy, chill out," Drew spoke sternly. He was becoming agitated with her rudeness too.

"Shut up, Drew. She can speak for herself," Kennedy shut Drew down, "She's a big girl, literally,"

Before anyone could say anything else, Karen flew across the room. She punched Kennedy dead in the face, causing her to fall. She grabbed Kennedy by the shirt, yanking her up.

"Listen, I've been trying to be nice for the sake of you being Drew's little girlfriend. But, that shit is over. You've been coming at me since you met me. You better find you, somebody, to play with forreal, before I break your lil' narrow ass! " Karen spoke, in Kennedy's face.

Karen dropped Kennedy, "I'll be back for my dress later, Rob!" She stated before shooting out of the door.

Drew's jaw clenched as he stormed out behind Karen. He was upset.

"Aye, Karen. What's your problem?" Drew called behind her.

"What're you talking about, Drew?" Karen spoke with a slight attitude. She looked down into her purse, searching for her keys.

"What was that? How are you gon' lash out like that?" Drew spoke with the same amount of attitude as Karen.

"Maybe you should ask your girlfriend why she's always at me for no reason, John. You act like I just lashed out for no reason," She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well I would expect for you to be the bigger person. You know how she is," Drew folded his arms.

"I've been the bigger person-" Karen started but stopped, "You know what. I don't owe you or anybody an explanation. So you have two options. Her or me.. One of us has to go because I refuse to be around her anymore,"

"See, now you're talking crazy. You've been being around her with no issue. Now you wanna make it an issue. I don't understand you, Karen,"

"What is there not to understand, Drew?! Your girlfriend is rude as hell towards me for no reason. & all you do is tell her to chill out. I haven't done anything to her for her to treat me like that!" Karen snapped.

"People are only gonna treat you however you allow them to," Drew shrugged with an attitude.

Karen began to laugh. She opened her car door, "You have a great life with your girlfriend. I'm out. Bye," She slammed her door & drove off.

Drew stood in shock.

He had lost his best friend being stupid.


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