• you're not my wife..

657 45 14

• excuse any errors


December 1982

"Drew!" Karen walked into Drew's apartment. She sat her keys on the coffee table by the door, & made her way to the living room.

"Drew, I know you hear-" Karen started but stopped in the middle of her sentence, "Oh, I didn't realize you had company,"

Drew looked up from his bible that himself & one of the girls from the church, Harmony, looked at. Karen waved at Harmony to get an eye roll in return.

"Oh, hey baby. I thought you had practice with your sisters," Drew smiled at her, getting up to greet her. He tried to kiss Karen's cheek, but she blocked his kiss with her hand.

He knew then that he was in hot water.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," Karen spoke, giving him a look. She walked off & went into the kitchen to look for something to cook.

Drew cleared his throughly nervously, "Uh.. So, where were we?" He took his seat next to Harmony again. He tried to open the bible again, but Harmony pushed it shut.

"You know, you're very handsome," Harmony spoke, scooting closer to him. She smiled & looked up to him with lust in her eyes.

"Well, thank you but what does that have to do with anything?" Drew asked, scooting away from her.

"I find you attractive & I want you , so I think I should have you," She spoke, scooting back closer to him, "Of course, that's only if you want me to," She smiled, placing her hand on his leg.

"Look Harmony, I'm flattered but-"

"If you don't want your ass dragged up & down this street, I would suggest that you go home," Karen stood at the entrance of the kitchen, with her arms crossed.

"Girl, please. Aren't you like the quiet mouse of everybody? You should stick to that & shut up," Harmony scoffed.

Karen chuckled, "No.. If you knew what was good for you, you would shut up & go on about your day. Don't hoes have break times? Or is it a 24 hour job? Your throat not tired? "

"Karen," Drew got up & covered her mouth,"Harmony, you gotta go. I can't have you in here messing with my girl,"

"Why I gotta go? I don't see a ring so she's not your wife, you can do what you want," Harmony spoke, rising from her seat.

"Bitch, didn't he say you gotta go?" Karen spoke, trying to walk closer to Harmony. Drew grabbed her hands, making her sit down on the sofa.

"What do you mean? Karen & I are dating & everybody knows it, Harmony,"

"You think I came here for some dusty ass bible lesson? I came here because I want you & I always go after what I want," Harmony crossed her arms.

"This bitch is out of her mind," Karen mumbled to herself.

"Are you crazy?" Drew looked at her sideways, "You definitely gotta go now,"

"I don't know why you're trippin. She ain't all that anyway," Harmony rolled her eyes at Karen.

"Oh, I'll show you what's all that then," Karen rose from the sofa.

"If I were you, I would leave now. This ain't a battle you wanna fight," Drew said, turning to Harmony.

"Whatever! I tried to give you a chance with me but you'll never get another," Harmony scoffed & walked out, slamming the door behind her.

Drew turned to Karen , making eye contact with her. Karen rolled her eyes & got up, walking to the kitchen. She began to peel a potato, as Drew came
up behind her snaking his arms around her waist.

"Move, John,"

His smile vanished as he heard her call him John.

"What's the matter, baby?" He asked, stepping back to look at her.

"What's the matter?" Karen repeated his question. She threw the potato on the counter & faced him with the knife, "What's the matter?? You gotta lot of nerve, John,"

"What're you talking about?" He questioned, backing up from her.

"You. You are the matter, John," She spoke, as she continued to walk up to him. She got so close that he backed into the wall, "You & your hoes are the matter,"

"What hoes, Karen? What is your problem?" Drew questioned, looking down at her.

"For the past few weeks, it's rarely ever a time that I come here & there's not another girl here. A girl being here isn't the issue, John. You having female friends isn't the issue either, John. The issue is that it's always some bitch that has a liking for you & wants you, but you always act too damn dumb to see it," Karen spoke, moving the knife in her hand with every sentence.

Drew sighed, " That doesn't mean you get jealous & go crazy, Karen. Yes, there are plenty of women who are attracted to me. I can't help that. You're carrying on for no reason,"

"Carrying on for no reason?! Are you serious?" Karen questioned, looking at Drew as if he were stupid. She threw the knife on the ground & began to walk away.

"Karen, listen. I'm gonna be around women that are attracted to me with me being a leader in the church. Get over it," Drew rolled his eyes, following behind her.

"It's not about that. It's about what you allow them to do! You allow them to disrespect me & our relationship, over & over. You know the ones that want you, yet you continue to entertain them when you know they're an issue! ," Karen raised her voice, turning to face him.

"Well, what do you want me to do?! You want a whole lot for somebody whose not my wife!" Drew yelled back. His eyes widen, as he quickly regretted what he said.

Karen chuckled before going back into the living room & grabbing her purse.

"Wait, where are you going?" Drew asked, trailing behind her like a puppy. Karen didn't respond, so he grabbed her hand.

"Karen, where are you going?"

"Home. Where I belong," She spoke, dryly.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that-"

"Oh no. You said exactly what you meant," Karen chuckled again, pulling her hand away from him. She snatched off the promise ring he gifted her a year ago, & threw it at him.

"You have a nice life, John," Karen placed her key to his apartment in his hand & flashed him a sarcastic smile.

She walked out of the door, slamming it behind her.


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