• gettin' the band back together

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• excuse any errors


August 1978

"Girl, where are we going?" Karen asked as Dorinda turned into the neighborhood that Drew lived in.

"I'm looking for Greg's narrow butt. My keys were in his pocket," Dorinda replied as she pulled up to Drew's house. They both got out, but only Dorinda went in.

Karen took a seat on the bench on the front porch. She was in her little world until it was disrupted by loudness & a crowd approaching her.

"YOU!" The shrill voice of Kennedy echoed throughout the street, as she approached Karen.

"This is YOUR fault!!" Kennedy screamed in Karen's face, pointing her finger. Kennedy came onto the porch, getting in Karen's face.

"Girl, what the hell are you talking about?" Karen stood up & stepped back in confusion. One thing about Karen was that she could not stand anyone in your face. It was one of her biggest pet peeves.

"Drew broke up with me because of you! It's ruining my reputation! Nobody breaks up with me!" Kennedy continued to yell, causing a scene.

"Drew broke up with you because you're a rude, inconsiderate, stuck up, snobbish bitch. Him breaking up with you has nothing to do with me," Karen snapped back, "& you need to get out my face before I ruin yours,"

Everyone stood in shock. They had never heard Karen stand up for herself in such a way. She was always quiet & let people walk over her.

"Don't try to act tough now when you know you're not about it!" Kennedy screamed once again.

"Didn't I slap the shit outta you a few weeks ago? Oh okay," Karen chuckled, beginning to walk away. By now, Dorinda had come out of the house.

Kennedy grew embarrassed as she saw that the crowd was looking at her sideways. She smirked & pushed Karen, "Now what? I'm sure you won't do anything with your scary ass-"

Kennedy was cut off by Karen turning around & punching her in the mouth. Kennedy stumbled back, holding her mouth that blood was now leaking from. She reached up, snatching Karen by the shirt as they began to fight.

A fair fight as straight blows was being thrown. But, Karen was getting one up on Kennedy. Kennedy grew angry & grabbed Karen's hair, only to be slung into the concrete. She was getting her ass handed to her.

Kennedy's sister, Keira, came rushing through the crowd. She ran up & grabbed Karen by the hair from behind, jumping into the fight.

"Oh hell no!" Dorinda exclaimed, running up to Keira. She grabbed Keira by the back of the shirt & slung her off of Karen. With that, Dorinda started throwing hits wherever they would connect.

The crowd shifted as Greg & Drew came rushing through the crowd. Greg ran over to grab Dorinda off of Keira. Drew ran to break up Karen & Kennedy.

Drew was successful with getting Karen off of Kennedy. Greg, on the other hand, struggled with J Moss to get Dorinda off of Keira.

"Dorinda, let her go!" Greg spoke, trying to pry Dorinda off of Keira.

"No!" Dorinda spoke with venom in her voice.

Greg motioned for Drew to come help. Drew came over & each of them grabbed one side of Dorinda & carried her away.

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